Hello faithful few! So right to it...other day while I was sketching and perplexing about my work on the Copper Goddess series, I was trying to find the relation to this body of work and my previous work. When while doing a goddess my mind flashed back from my sophomore year going into my junior year. Every break between moving up we had to do a project which would lead us into the next phase of our collegiate lives. So I did a sculpture based on fertility and the role of women in our society.(I grew up around strong black women and I truly believe the foundation of any good society starts with the woman) Later in the year, I also took a seminar class called "The Body" which discussed the female body in art. (I was one of two males in the class) In the class I also did a sculpture dealing with the concept of the body being molded into what we (the viewer) saw or wanted to see; how the body should be or how we (society) perceived the body to be.
All of this came to me in a matter of mere minutes. Both of this sculptures, while having something of an androgynous look to them were clearly female and little did I know back then that they were precursors to my current work "Copper Goddess." It would appear that my work has come full circle. I don't know if I am going to be stuck on this for awhile but I do know that i plan on spending as much time exploring it as I can. Look at that I really gave you guys something to look forward to, huh! I have a slide of one of the sculptures and hope to have a digital image of it for your guys next week. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...