Hello faithful few...Happy 4Th. All week I thought this post was going to be art based. I was going to show you guys some of my work from a few years back and I was going to talk about this and talk about that. But I am going to abandon that idea. Instead I am going to talk to you about I guess my mindset right now. I am heavily researching grad schools and also trying to get things together to apply to The Savannah College of Art and Design. I am also looking for new work preferably close to where the schools I am looking at is located. Trying to make sure I qualify for that state residence requirement in some states.
Anyhow, right now in my current working environment I am feeling as though I am no longer wanted. As if they are trying to force me out. Not to sound high and might but I am the nuts and bolts at my place of business. Sure they could just get some more nuts and bolts and they probably would still survive but why replace the old ones if there is nothing wrong with them. There is so much going on behind the scenes to sabotage my character that sometimes its hard to even go into work. its like how do you motivate yourself to go somewhere where they treat you aren't even wanted. Its not like I screwed up or I lost them money or any of that. Its all about favorites. I an not the favorite and everyone else that needed to be whittled out is gone so that leaves just me. It is what it is. That's all I am going to say about that.
Next thing, I am wondering how feasible it is for me to focus on my art full-time and find work part-time. Or just focused on my work totally full-time. I know my girl and my family will support me but I just wondering if I can sustain a career move like that now. I need to research this a little more. I will let you guys know what I decide and when I decide. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...