Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hi again...

Faithful few, here I go again. Another week, another post. You know, this is the week of my birthday(Jan 12th, capricorns stand up!) and it also is another week that I bring you some more of my new year's resolutions. So let's get to it:
  1. I will travel more this year.
  2. I will visit museums and galleries more frequently this year.
  3. This is the year when I really pull it all together as an artist.
That's all I am going to give you folks today as far as it goes for my resolutions. Look for more next week.

I am having a mini-block right now I believe, I have tried starting a few pieces but then my ideas get thrown out of wack. I mean, the creative atmosphere is there but creative juices are not flowing as freely as I would like them to. I mean don't get me wrong I am working, but everything is really raw and rough. Nothing is close to being fully resolved like I want it to be. I am not trying to force anything but I really need to make more headway into my projects. I am hoping that in the couple of weeks my work speaks more to my inner artist and begins to show itself.

Until next week sometime, namaste and stay strong...

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