Saturday, January 26, 2008

Final Resolution!

Hello faithful few, So I have come to my "Final New Years Resolution" for 2008. So here it is;
  1. My one final resolution is to make sure that I continue to stay focused. That I continue to stay up on my art.
Its not just enough to talk about it here to you, my faithful few. I need to stay sharp. Stay focused. Lace up my shoes and JUST DO IT!

I have started working on some projects that I hope to have finished for these two shows locally coming up soon that I want to participate in. With proper motivation and the right focus behind me, I am sure I can bang out some real good stuff.

Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Antsy Artist

Hello faithful few, I am taking a break from my new years resolutions until next week. I will geive you the rest of them then. I want to quickly talk about what I am conspiring to do.

I am going to start a series of drawing, which I will just let everything happen as it happens. I want to try this practice for a little bit to see how it comes out. I know this is a brief blog post but I need to get crack. So check back next week for the rest of those resolutions and I might have pictures.

Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hi again...

Faithful few, here I go again. Another week, another post. You know, this is the week of my birthday(Jan 12th, capricorns stand up!) and it also is another week that I bring you some more of my new year's resolutions. So let's get to it:
  1. I will travel more this year.
  2. I will visit museums and galleries more frequently this year.
  3. This is the year when I really pull it all together as an artist.
That's all I am going to give you folks today as far as it goes for my resolutions. Look for more next week.

I am having a mini-block right now I believe, I have tried starting a few pieces but then my ideas get thrown out of wack. I mean, the creative atmosphere is there but creative juices are not flowing as freely as I would like them to. I mean don't get me wrong I am working, but everything is really raw and rough. Nothing is close to being fully resolved like I want it to be. I am not trying to force anything but I really need to make more headway into my projects. I am hoping that in the couple of weeks my work speaks more to my inner artist and begins to show itself.

Until next week sometime, namaste and stay strong...

Friday, January 4, 2008

Enter 2008...

I would like to welcome you, my faithful few, to the year 2008! Man, can you believe it. Where is all the time going? I don't really have alot to say this week. It is such a shame this being my first post of the year and all, but I am going back on what I said in last weeks post. I won't list all my resolutions here but instead I will give you a few each week until the end of January. So for now lets get down to it.

New Years' Resolution
  1. I will combat my procrastination.
  2. I will remain focused on creating more art.
  3. I will promote myself more effectively as an artist.
Well that's all I will give you for now. I hope I have at least mildly whetted your appetite to see what I bring to you guys in my next few posts. Hopefully I will feel more up to unleashing a plethora of brain fodder for you guys to gnaw on.

Until next week sometime, namaste and stay strong...