Saturday, March 26, 2011


Hello faithful few, I have been debating internally (or is it mentally) about my love of gadgets. I have been pretty good with not going willy nilly. I have stayed away from new purchases and I have pretty much just have been reusing and reinventing what gadgets I already have. So I can say I have been doing pretty darn good! I am such an android geek. People if you haven't tried it yet ANDROID IS YOUR FRIEND!

So its about that time of year when I start working on pieces for different shows. One at Maryland Art Place and another at Rochester Contemporary Art Center in NY. I already have my surface for the show in Rochester picked out. Of course as always I will share with guys as I progress and work on these projects.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

For whom the bleh...

The past week for me has been kind of rough. I have been feeling "out of sorts" so to speak. It's seems like this is that one time (or 2 or 3, depending the year) that I have an abundance of self-doubt. I begin to question what am I doing wrong or what can I do better? How do I get to this point? How can I make this go faster? People would have me to be patient or tell me that all things come in due time but all of that is moot to me when my brain is doubting itself. It's a struggle trying to come up with solutions and fixes for the cards I have been dealt so far but for the love of me I can't seem to get black jack. I know at some point in the future I will look at these junctures in my life and go "WOW, I bet you never knew you'd make it this far..."

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

In a word, SEXY...

So here it is another week gone, another blogpost. Hmmm. What would you guys like to hear about? What could I say to you guys that would totally resonate with you? (ok that was cheating. I have been trying to find a way to plug "resonate" in something since I heard it being used on a podcast earlier) that's a good idea though; you know just trying to use words just because. I consider myself to be the epitome of a nerd. I am totally comfortable with that label and I know ppl like and love me because of that label.

So back to using words just because. The nerdy side of me love certain words. To me certain words are sexy. I think "resonate" is a sexy word. And "inherent." And "referential." And "autonomy." And especially "belligerent." what about "malevolence?" Such a beautiful word. Apart of me secretly looks for ways to include these words in everyday convo; again "just because.". Now don't get me wrong I just don't try to force the words out but I try to make the words come out by "happenstance." like I just did;) See how that worked. I slipped a sexy word in. How ironic! Or was it? Lol.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this little "discourse." I know I enjoyed bringing it to you guys. As always...


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Saturday, March 5, 2011

If I must...I must...

Konnichi'wa minna-san! Today I read an interview that Emory Douglas did in JUXTAPOZ magazine that I found to be highly informative. Emory Douglas is a revolutionary artist who was also the Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party. He designed the majority of their literature and propaganda. He also designed the iconic image of the party, The Panther. He, in the article talked about the relevance of race in our modern society. He did this piece of Obama where Obama apologized on behalf of the United States for Slavery. This was a powerful piece of revolution art in that its meaning could be viewed as quite controversial. Whereas Shepard Fairey and others were creating empowering works of art incorporating Our newly elected, Mr Douglas on the other hand took the opportunity to make you question the the state of the union as it stands now. To me this work was spot on. Its a piece that makes me look at where my work has evolved(or devolved) from. I recall being back in college and exploring race in my work and how informative and enlightening that was to me. The last few years of I have gotten away from that subject matter. Apart of that, I believe is because I questioned whether or not race is still relevant in art. I mean we still have issues of race and race identity in today's society but I wondered/wonder how deep it runs in art. How I can get away using race in my work and not come off as angry black man. Reading this interview gave me hope. It gave me that good feeling I always get when I see someone out there making work that makes you question the status quo and whether or not race still really matters. This article really has me excited about the prospects of creating work go forward. I look forward to having you guys along for the journey.
