Faithful few...the year is almost over and I gotta say it was a year for me. I went and elevated myself out of my comfort zone, that which was work and home. I quit my job and moved south. Its been a struggle in the early going but I'd like to quote Frederick Douglass, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress..."
I have been enduring and trying to stay focused. It's been tough but oddly enough I am still encouraged. 2014 will be my year. I am going to continue to push myself into taking chances and living my life. This time last year, I felt that I would be where I am now but my mind still wasn't made up yet. As I am typing this, I am trying to think of the next big thing that I want/need to tackle. I really need to step up my game art-wise. I have a few new ideas that I want to get to before I start on some old ideas. I know that sounds a little backwards but I have decided that that next year, I am going to try and produce the work as it comes to me. No holding it back. Gotta get rolling and keep my creative juices flowing.
I am going to try to keep up with posting images for you guys as well. I have been promising work and not delivering for you guys. That's all I have for you guys this year. See you in the new year...
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