Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pure Genius or Sometimes my mind digresses...

So, I got my artist statement done for the Call for entry and Art Residence that I was applying to. I worked on it right up until the day of the deadline. I got my packet off by the deadline so pretty excited about seeing what comes out of that. I was at work today and I got on the computer and I decided that I would post my blog, which I had planned on sharing with you guys my new statement. I then realized that my statement was at home so there went that plan. I get home and guess what! I didn't save a copy of my statement for myself!!! I realized that I had only printed out two copies. I did it at work but I didn't save a copy for myself. Needless to say, no statement...Yet! These two opportunities I have applied to will return my material to me whether or not I am considered for either opportunity. So fret not, you guys will eventually get a chance to enjoy my awesome statement;)

The last couple of weeks I have been quite busy artistically. I have been working diligently on trying to produce more work. I have felt pretty good about my work lately. It is a wonderful feeling to have your creative juices flowing, you know. I am going to try my best to keep this burst of creative energy I have found flowing and as always I will keep you guys well-informed.

I have been pretty good with keeping my work life out of my blog because I am a true believer of making sure that you don't leave any record of anything that can be used against you later in life. I have been through a lot in my current working environment and in someways its my own fault. So here's to new ventures and breaking free...


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