This is a weekly blog where I will post what I have been doing in terms of my art. I will randomly post an entry once a week. I hope that you will enjoy reading my ramblings.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Selling Work or Making Moves with Art...
I also found out for sure that my piece made it to Rochester in time for inclusion into the Rochester Contemporary Art Center's 6X6X2013 show. All of the art that was submitted by hundreds of artist around the world are up on the website for viewing. They go on sale on June 4th for just $20! You don't have to purchase my piece (But you probably should) but you might find something on the site that you might like...and $20 for an original piece of art and a good cause you can't go wrong! The link is here. And if your curious you can search for #4493 in the "Find art by #", that's where you'll find my piece. Well that's all I have for you guys this weekend.
Until next time...
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Art of The Blog or Dot Dot Dot...
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Blogging is my side vice or Sometimes I learn things...
I have been slacking a lot lately with my other blogs... ( Vegetarian and Tech )
I don't blog as often as I like on them which kind of bothers me being as though they aren't as extensive as a blog as this one. They are basically off shoots of this one, my main blog. I mean I am always taking pics of food or trying new things as a vegetarian that I could post over on the vegetarian blog...I am a tech geek so there shouldn't be any reason why I don't post often on my tech blog. I am actually in the process of writing a really long post for my tech blog on why I switched back to android from the IOS ecosystem.
Its really no excuse. They both are WordPress blogs and I have the WordPress app on just about every device that I own and its real easy to post from it so there is definitely no excuse. Maybe I'll try to make sure going forward to post pics, articles and whatever I can related to both of them. Got to get back into the habit of sharing my discoveries.
Until next time...
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Rants and Double Rants...
I have an issue with ppl invading my public space. I just believe everyone in life has this invisible force field around him that you should cross into unless invited...a no-fly zone if you will...
Twice today I had people invade my no-fly zone. I was at the ATM machine and it was one of these "new-fangled" ones (which I think should be everywhere cause they are AWESOME!) anywhoogle...there I was entering in my very private info and this dude is literally within an elbows length behind me. He is also on his phone talking quite obnoxiously loud. I gave him a quick once over to let him know that I was aware of him back there and that I saw him. The next look was a glare that I tried to convey the look of "REALLY"...he was too engrossed in his phone convo to notice that I was trying to Jedi mind trick him into stepping back(and yeah I went there, May the 4th LOL) so after I finished my transaction I pivoted and dropped my shoulder which then alerted him to move because a rhino was coming through.
A few hours later I was inthe checkout line at a grocery store and was in the process of finishing up when this two guys got in line behind me. The one guy who wasn't getting waited on almost climbed over me to get by. No excuse or anything. Only after I gave him the look of death did he realize what he was doing and waited until it was his turn to go.
I try not to come off too mean or even say anything because I don't want to seem like an evil person but sometimes you just have to let ppl know what's up. And I have almost perfected the act of the staredown. Slightly raise the eyebrow and furrow the brow and you can silently get this ppl out of your no-fly zone. You can also perform other moves like the "step straight back" or the "chicken wing pivot"...that's when you turn quickly with your arms up and your elbows bent. They can't be mad since they should have been in your wheelhouse anyway. LOL...
I was just playing in the last part of that but in all seriousness be careful when you are approaching lines or if you are standing in line because I pretty sure the person in front of you or behind you are wondering if they have given you enough space or if you are invading their space. Think about it...
I know this is kind of a different type of post for me but this was just something I needed to get off of my chest. A lil therapeutic writing. Until next week...
Oh yeah, I got an email earlier in the week from the Rochester Contemporary Art Center and it looks like my one piece that I was able to get off made into to be included inthe show. I mean it was a thank you email so hopefully...I know for sure on the 24th of this month when they list the artists and their work. I'll be sure to let you guys know for sure. I also started a new piece that I'll probably talk about next weekend.