Saturday, March 10, 2012

State of the Artist...

Hey faithful few, how are you guys doing today? We have had some crazy weather here in the "state" of Baltimore. It was quite frigid here this morning and just the other day spring teased us. Gotta love this great weather.


I am about to start working on a couple of pieces for this 6X6X2012 at Rochester Contemporary Art Center in Rochester, NY. I have done this the last couple of years but whereas the last two years I have only done 1 piece, this year I plan on doing multiple pieces. The deadline is a couple of months away so that should be plenty of time to hammer out a few pieces. I can't wait to share them with you guys.

I need to find a way to devote some more time to my other blogs. I have things I want to say and for my vegetarian blog I even think I have some pics and recipes lying around. Maybe I will just treat them as raw posting sites for tech and food instead of trying to make them full format blogs. I mean in a way I have already done that with my tech blog. It consists of a few tech re-posts from this blog. I think it's just a matter of getting the info out of my head and into the interwebosphere.

Until next week...


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