Saturday, March 30, 2013

Projects, projects and more projects...

I have a really busy next couple of week coming up. On Tuesday, I am going to go drop off and hang a piece that I am putting in Maryland Art Place's Out of Order show which is next Friday. I am putting this piece in the show. Hopefully someone takes it home and adds it to their collection:)


I also need to finish this piece that I sold last week. Only thing holding that piece up is adding the background. I have a couple of ideas that I have been tossing around in my head that I am going to play around in photoshop with so as to not make a mark that I don't want to actually add to it...ah the luxuries of digital media!

And finally the last bit of work I need to get cracking on is for the RoCo 6x6x2013 show in Rochester. This is the 6x6 show that I have been doing the past few years. The pieces for this show have to be postmarked by the 20th of April. That should be a series of work to work on. I am thinking about "re-debuting" some new material based on one of my old styles of creating art. Not that I don't work in this manner any longer, it's just that I haven't used the technique in awhile. I feel like its something I want to do because it'll be a good way for me to do a little problem solving. As usual, as I finish them I will post pics for you guys. Until next week...





Saturday, March 23, 2013

Just a little update...

So today I officially sold my first piece of unfinished work.  Now its not going to stay unfinished but as it stands now its in an unfinished state. It felt oddly strange yet refreshing to be compensated for something that will fir sure change before its done. Its as if my buyer has so much faith in what I'm doing that they just know they will be getting a masterpiece.

I totally stand by myself as an artist no matter how successful or unsuccessful I am at this junction in my life but its extra special for me to have someone other than the missus and family/friends have faith in what I am doing as an artist. Hopefully next weekend I will have a finished piece to share with you guys. If not next week, the week after that for sure.

Until next time...


Saturday, March 16, 2013

New WIP...Partie Deux

I have a few more images for you guys of the piece I showed you last week. I still got a little ways to go with this but I still wanted to share.

I had a pretty busy week this week work-wise and today so I didn't have a chance to finish this weeks blog for you guys. Definitely going to get it out there though. I haven't forgotten. Until then...







Saturday, March 9, 2013

New WIP...

I thought I would just post a pic of one of the things I am working on that I can share with you guys. Hopefully next week I have more to share with you. I know I have a rant I guess I can call it about how we as artists are influenced by other artists and how we use that influence in our own work. I'm going to try and get that out to you guys in the next couple of weeks. Until then...


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Something simple nothing major...

So on this late Saturday night before bed, I am going to strive to do something quite simple.  I am going to try and make use of all my technology at my disposal and feel out schedule for this month...a list of things I know that need to get done, my work schedule, my mini vacay and whatsnots.  I've tried to do this before but it was just something that I had online.  I had access to it but I never carried it around with me.  Now and this modern day of electronic day planners and such, I have no real excuse not to be on point with deadlines and things of the like.

That is all.  Like the title says Something simple nothing major... Until next week...
