Saturday, April 27, 2013

Art and Life...

I've been starting a lot of pieces the past week...been feeling inspired a lot lately. It such a good feeling, you know? I am trying to get back into the routine of starting projects even when I'm in the process of working on one already. (Take a moment to re-read that. There was a lot going on in there, LOL) I'm trying not to get stuck focusing on one thing at a time when I'm creating. Usually when I don't have multiple things going on, I start to dwell too much on the one thing and then I end up experiencing a block.

It's all about keeping the creative process flowing for me. It's something I am going to try to keep up going forward. I always talk about needing to focus and staying focused more regarding my life and art. I have gotten to a point in my life where I am more reflective when it comes to certain things. I do a soul-searching and in my soul-searching, I always try to see the big picture when it comes to my life. I find that sometimes I struggle with grasping the bigger picture. I think its a reflection of how hard I am on myself mentally. Blogging has always given me an avenue to release some of that self-doubt. It's really quite therapeutic for me and I am glad to be able to have you the faithful few along to help.

That's all I have for you guys this weekend. Next week I will post some WIP (work-in-progress) pics for you guys to check out. Until next week...



Saturday, April 20, 2013

"The Amazing Superior Spectacular" and "The Copper Goddess is a Star..."

This is a video that I posted to YouTube tonight. I did it on Thursday. It was the only submission that I got in on time for the 6X6X2013 for Rochester Contemporary Art Center this year. I was expecting some prints that I ordered to be here in time to add those as well but they have yet to come. (Side note...with the slowness of snail mail, I just hope this was postmarked for today. I dropped it in the mail on Thursday.) I guess I'll know in a couple of weeks or not if they received it. I will definitely let you guys know if I failed or not.

I am also very close to finishing this piece(the image below) for one of my customers. I think I have a few more tweaks to do and I know for sure it'll be done. Until next time...


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Getting it done...

I have a lot that I want to share with you guys but not this week. This week I just have another image of the piece I sold a few weeks ago. It's still a little rough around the edges though. I should be finished it tomorrow but I wanted to show you guys where it's at now. Also next week I'll post images of the work I am putting in the 6X6X2013 at Rochester Contemporary Art Center in Rochester, NY.

I got a couple of blog posts that I have been writing on and off for the past couple of months. One is a blog that I am writing for my tech blog but I want to post it here to share with you guys so come back for that soon.

Until next week...







Saturday, April 6, 2013

Where's the Juice or Someone forgot to pay the electric bill...

As I only have 12% battery life on my phone and currently the power is out in my neighborhood, I am not going to do the long drawn out post that I planned on doing for you guys this week. Instead I will have to do it in next weeks post. It will be all about art and art happenings and the "six degrees of separations" it sometimes bring (more like 2 or 3 but whatever I wanted to use the saying and that's all I have to say about that!!! LOL)

Until next week...

