Saturday, October 25, 2014

Is Passive Aggressiveness a bad thing...

So I am what some would call a passive aggressive person. I have been for a long time. Some may say its a bad thing, others may not. (I tend to believe the latter is the extreme minority) Some believe if you hold in your feelings that they manifest themselves in other ways.

I think to some extent that is true but I also believe that as an adult you should be able to control your feelings. I personally have been in situations where if not for my passive aggressive nature, would have done or said things which wouldn't have been pretty. I'd say it has saved me a lot. Don't get me wrong...I'm not praising it. I'm just saying that if has helped me out in my life. It's like my mutant "X-gene"

I just wanted to share this with you guys this week. I actually just thought about this afternoon and couldn't wait to post this. I did work in my sketchbook some this week. I did a little doodling. Next week I will try to get some images up for you guys.

Until next week...


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Accountability helps...

I failed you guys this week. I have nothing to did pull my sketchbook out and tomorrow between my job hunting and resting I will be drawing in my sketchbook.

My art accountability partner told me something this week that I totally forgot about sketchbooks. She told me I just need to draw. Even if I don't like what comes out...just DRAW. It also doesn't help that every week she is showing me something new that she started or finished LOL. But that's what accountability partners are for. Well that's it for this week.

Until next week...


Saturday, October 11, 2014

No Excuses

So I failed this week guys. I did not do anything that I set out to do last week. No art, no brainstorming, nothing...

Sure I can blame working and being tired and also job-hunting but I still had a little time to squeak in a little work. I promise that next week I will have something or at least something to share with you guys.

Until next week...


Saturday, October 4, 2014

A New New Thing...

I have started to pick up my iPad and read again. I know what your saying, "Why would you stop reading????" I have just been too busy. But thats not what I really want to tell you guys. The real big deal about it for me is that, I have been pulling out phrases and words that have spoken to me.

I have begun to jot them down. One of the first phrases I found intrigued me a lot. I am hoping I can squeeze some time in to see what I can come up on an illustrative level. In a way its like writing a book. You come up with the title and then you plan what you are going to put on the pages.

I need to find any and everything I can to keep me motivated. I need to get back in the flow of things so I can really feel like myself. Thats all for this weeks folks. I know its a quick post but I figured I'd still share. Maybe next week I will have some sketches for you guys.

Until next week...
