This is a weekly blog where I will post what I have been doing in terms of my art. I will randomly post an entry once a week. I hope that you will enjoy reading my ramblings.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Saturday, January 23, 2016
The Week that was…
Until next week…
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Double Post…
For the first time since I've started blogging, I'm going to have posted twice in the same week. Only reason I'm posting this is the OCD part of me has to know for sure that a post posted to my blog every week.
If the one that's stuck in publishing finally publishes, I'll just delete this post. Hope this one posts. Lol. Otherwise it'll be triple post time.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
No...No...It's not even finished yet...
So I am still not finished with this video. And it's such a short this point, I'm wondering if I want to continuously loop it or just leave it at the time it is. (Under 1 min.)
I am also trying to figure out what kind of music I want it to have. This video is beginning to take on a life of its own. I'm not overthink it but I want to get it just right. I want to watch it and go, "OH! That's it, that's were I want to go with it..." I will hopefully finish it in the next week or so.
Also faithful few, the next time I post I will be a year older! Woohoooooo!! Capricorns RULE!!
That's it for now.
Until next week...
Saturday, January 2, 2016
New Years Resolution...
Hello faithful few. I am still working on my video short. It's not quite ready for public consumption that's why I don't have it for this weeks' post. Hopefully I have it done by next week.
Anywhoogle, I figured I would post a couple of my New Years Resolutions. A few that I would actually like to share.
1. Continue to work towards getting healthier.
2. Get back to create art more on a regular basis.
3. Brush up on my Japanese. Or at least get back to where I was in my college years with the language and build upon it.
4. Can't stress this one enough... Create art more.
That's all I think I'll share this week with you guys this week.
Until next week...