Saturday, March 31, 2012

Longevity and the faithful few...

For the better part of the day today, I tried to figure out what I wanted to blog about. Should I ramble, is there anything in the news I want to talk about, should I address the Trayvon Martin situation...I didn't know at the time how I wanted to approach this weeks blog but then it hit me. I could speak about longevity.

I started this blog in November of '07. When I came to you guys, my faithful fee, for the first time; I had know I day that I would do so for this long. Every week since then I have blogged for you guys. You guys have been come apart of my life.

You have been there through the good times and the bad times, the happy moments and the worst moments. Some weeks even when I felt bad I just had to come to you guys, even if it's was just to say I'm not feeling well. You've been there for the rejection, for the sorrow, for the pain. You been there when I had good news to share. When I wanted to share my work, there you guys were. When I was feeling poetic, again you guys show up. I would just like to thank you guys for being apart of my life these past few years and I hope you continue to be apart of my life for years to come.

Here's to you, my faithful few...


Saturday, March 24, 2012

I was born to be a Ramblin' Man...

I have had a really weird week this week as far as sleeping. I don't think in the past 4 days that I haven't got to sleep before 4am. Mind you each day other than Friday I had to be at work 6 hours after I had fallen asleep. Very strange indeed. I know that was a pretty strange way of starting a post but..."so what, who cares..."

I still haven't gotten my review post for my new camera ready for my tech blog. I am trying to make sure I have a better handle on what I want to discuss as well as how I want to present it. I know I made mention in my last post about having the blog done a couple of days after that post but as we all know...things change. It is coming though and I will keep you guys posted.

On the art front, I am still trying to keep busy. I'm still working on getting this 6X6's done. I also have a few other things in the works for some people. It really feels good to be keeping busy artistically. There aren't too many things that can compare to a great creativity flow.

Let's what else do I have for you guys...oh yeah...I have had quite an eventful last couple of years...some good times...some bad times...but through it all I have persevered. It's seems like the beginning of this year has been quite different though. Even though I have had some bad times, my mind is more clearer; I see things in a different light now and I also have more confidence in getting things to go or should I say I have more faith that things will only get better for me here on out. I actually see things...dreams seem more closer to reality. My mindset is "more" at peace within the dharma. I truly love this feeling.

That is all I have for you guys this week and as always thank you for allowing me to share.




Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Gadget...OH BOY! Toys!!!

So I finally did it faithful few, I finally pulled the trigger. I finally went and got meself a brand spanking new digital camera. Let's just say that it's an extreme upgrade from my old digital camera and my cellphone camera.

The above picture I took with my iPad 2 camera.

Now this picture here I took with my new camera.

As you can see from the picture, the newer picture is much more vivid. The counter is not washed out like it is in the iPad cam picture. You also see the figure and counters' true color. I was truly amazed the first time I actually viewed the newer pictures. I am pretty glad I finally got this camera. I'm not going to talk too much more about it here. I'll give more deets on my tech blog here. Look for that post sometime in the next couple of days. I will leave you guys with a few more before after pics.





This "after" image is a detail but you can still see the drastic shift in resolution in this piece.

That's all I have for you guys this week. Looking forward to sharing with you guys next week.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

State of the Artist...

Hey faithful few, how are you guys doing today? We have had some crazy weather here in the "state" of Baltimore. It was quite frigid here this morning and just the other day spring teased us. Gotta love this great weather.


I am about to start working on a couple of pieces for this 6X6X2012 at Rochester Contemporary Art Center in Rochester, NY. I have done this the last couple of years but whereas the last two years I have only done 1 piece, this year I plan on doing multiple pieces. The deadline is a couple of months away so that should be plenty of time to hammer out a few pieces. I can't wait to share them with you guys.

I need to find a way to devote some more time to my other blogs. I have things I want to say and for my vegetarian blog I even think I have some pics and recipes lying around. Maybe I will just treat them as raw posting sites for tech and food instead of trying to make them full format blogs. I mean in a way I have already done that with my tech blog. It consists of a few tech re-posts from this blog. I think it's just a matter of getting the info out of my head and into the interwebosphere.

Until next week...


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Emotions make you cry sometimes...

I just recently started watching this documentary about artist Beverly McIver. Its called Raising Renee. I am not to far in it yet but some far its pretty good. It has the makings of being a real good film. As I was watching the film, it made me reflect on my own work.  I have always noticed that I tend to leave certain emotions out of my work. Sadness, pain, resentment, etc...these are just a few of the emotions that I have felt in the past couple of years. And yet, if you look at the work I have created in that time span you.will see none of that in the work.  I referenced the documentary earlier because its about her work and her raising her sister while creating this work.  Her sister and family has always been apart of her work. They are the subject. I constantly shy away from including emotions of pain and hurt in my work.for fear of exposing my personal life. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with showing emotions...its just the way that I was raised that has me guarded against showing certain signs of emotion. My personality is also a big part of it as well. Those type of emotions I try my best not to wear on my sleeve. For me I believe that if I portrayed them in my work, it might paint a picture of a fractured "boy". I also believe my work then might be viewed as being created by someone who is reaching out for help or maybe it would invite people in who might believe that they "know how to fix me". Could my way of thinking be extremely way off base or extremely assumptive? Maybe...but it is what it is in my mind. At some point and time, I believe I can and will muster up the courage to attack more personal subject matter in my work.  As an artist, I can not be afraid to put all of my emotions into a piece for fear of letting one get to close.  I should be able to emotion into a piece and feel like I did that piece justice because I had no worries about the viewers perception or gaze when it comes to my work. That's all I have for you guys this week. Thanks for letting me share with you. -Namaste