Saturday, October 27, 2012

For the love of Blogging...

I was just talking to my girlfriend earlier about how long I've been doing this and pretty much why I do this. From day one I believe this has been an avenue for me to...relate, to share and in some ways talk out my problems and things that are on my mind.
Blogging every week has been somewhat therapeutic. I know that no matter what I do or don't do during the week, I know THAT I MUST blog. To me blog is something that's almost as personal as my art, that I love to share. Blogging in my opinion is nothing more than journaling. And being my journal that I posting on the web it's leaving me extremely vulnerable in that I am giving you, the world a bit of me. I am careful just how much I do share here on my blog but that's only because I have things in the works now that I am not ready to share with you the faithful few or the world wide interwebs. In the future I can see myself being even more open here because I feel the change in how I'm beginning to share info.
As I decided on what I wanted to talk about today after talking to my S/O I decided to go this route. I also realized that this is one of the few things that I can say without a doubt that I LOVE to do. Until next time.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

So you think you can blah blah BLAH...

Hey faithful few, another week down and another week closer to the end of the Mayan calendar. I have got a few things waiting in the wings for you guys. I can't wait to share them with you guys. I'll be posting as the weeks go by so def be looking for that.

I haven't quite planned it all the way out but I am planning a vacay in the next couple of weeks and believe you & me...I PLAN ON GETTING SOME MUCH NEEDED AWAY TIME! Not going to talk too much about it just yet because I don't want to end up jinxing it. Rest assured my faithful few, you guys will be along for the ride. So until next time. Hopefully I'll have a couple of surprises for you guys next week.



Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's going down...

I haven't created in the last couple of days. Not too long ago just the thought of that would make me wonder if I was getting bored with what I was doing. This time though its not even remotely the case. Mentally the last couple of days I have been trying to get some rest. It's definitely been working for. I have been getting my mind focused on steadily producing things.
I want to try and work on more of what I see in my mind. You know you get an idea in your head and then you deviate from that idea only to realize that now you are worried more about aesthetic and less about content...I find myself doing this a lot and its a habit that I definitely need to break.
I am going to take some pics next week of the piece I'm working on now. It's coming along really good. It's definitely done in my style (man, I've used "definitely" a lot in this post) It's still in its early stages but not too rough. I can already see where it's going and where I want it to go. Can't wait to share it. Until next time...


Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Mind is free...

I've been working constantly the last few weeks and it feels good to be creating steadily. You know as an artist, there will be times when you have that lull in your creative process where you are not doing as much work as you'd like...not painting enough...not drawing enough...not being in the business of of the greatest things you can do as an artist is doing that lull try to keep ideas fresh in your head. Write them down...brainstorm...view to artist...look for anything that will jump start that spark plug in your brain.

For me, it's always being around artists and having constant discourses with's blogging and it's writing down my ideas while they are still fresh. I find that when I do break through that lull some aspect of what I've thought about ends up lending itself to the piece. One of the things that I have found that's been a jump for me is not over thinking and just clearing my mind and letting my inner thought guide what I do. I had lost that ability the last couple of years. I mean I've been doing things but I have been letting my mind jump around a lot. I don't know if it's because of personal tragedy or pressure that I have been putting on myself or what...but lately I have just been going with the flow. If it feels good I let the feeling take me over and just be.

In any event, right now it feels good for me as an artist and I can't wait to keep you guys in the loop...

