Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's going down...

I haven't created in the last couple of days. Not too long ago just the thought of that would make me wonder if I was getting bored with what I was doing. This time though its not even remotely the case. Mentally the last couple of days I have been trying to get some rest. It's definitely been working for. I have been getting my mind focused on steadily producing things.
I want to try and work on more of what I see in my mind. You know you get an idea in your head and then you deviate from that idea only to realize that now you are worried more about aesthetic and less about content...I find myself doing this a lot and its a habit that I definitely need to break.
I am going to take some pics next week of the piece I'm working on now. It's coming along really good. It's definitely done in my style (man, I've used "definitely" a lot in this post) It's still in its early stages but not too rough. I can already see where it's going and where I want it to go. Can't wait to share it. Until next time...


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