Hello faithful few, how goes it? I trust that you guys had a safe and pleasant holiday. My holiday was OK. It was my first holiday without my big sis, so it was kind of tough and a bit sad. And speaking of that, today is the exact date 4 months ago since she passed. I still miss her everyday. I will strive to keep her legacy and her spirit within my heart. I love you Cookie.
Speaking of the number 4. Today coincidentally is the 4 yr anniversary of me being at my current job. I wonder if the number 4 is a sign. I made a facebook comment about how some kid has went through some undergrad program somewhere in the time I have been working at my job. I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe its a bit of a catch-22 but I am going to leave that alone. I don't really care for Dr. Phil but he had a show about social networking and there were experts on there talking about what you should and shouldn't post for the world to see. Never know a job or grad school maybe checking out the facebook/twitter accounts. I have always adhere to that motto myself personally but the more you get into this things the easier it is for you to slip.
This may or may not, be my last post of the current year. I plan on in the coming post bring you some of my resolutions as well as some artwork that I have finally been finishing up. I also think I am close to get my portfolio the way I want to present it so I will be bringing you guys that as well. I have some deadlines that I need to make, you know. It's all apart of the "new" me. I plan on going through a lot of changes after my birthday in a couple of weeks and I will bring you guys all the amazing news and ideas I have for the new decade and the "new" me.
Until sometime next week(or year), namaste and stay strong...
This is a weekly blog where I will post what I have been doing in terms of my art. I will randomly post an entry once a week. I hope that you will enjoy reading my ramblings.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snow Day...I had a snow day today...
So today faithful few, I did not have to go into work because we had a snow day. Baltimore was bombarded with snow. So much SNOW. So I laid in bed most of the morning and then I jumped up and preceded to almost shovel my entire block! Even when I went out for my second go around, I started to do the whole block again, lol. I don't know what got into me. Well, my post was going to be about some work that i have done the past week but I will save that for my next post. Instead I am going to leave you guys with some pics of my day with the snow. I was pretty much the only person in my neighborhood out shoveling. Does that make me crazy? LOL!!!

Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...

Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Work in progress...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
3 Months...
Its been 3 months exactly to the day since we laid to rest my oldest sister. I miss her everyday. I know she is in a better place.
I love you Cookie.
I love you Cookie.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
New Stuff

These are two sketches that I worked on today. One is for a children's book that I am think about doing on the side called Mr Pea Pod's Adventures in Art and the other is a Copper Goddess series. Just wanted to bless you guys with some of my recent stuff.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Blogging away.
I love the fact that I am so used to blogging. There was never any doubt in my mind that I wouldn't take a liking to it but I am amazed at how consistent and dedicated to it I am. I am/was(?) an extreme procrastinist (is that even a word, lol?) I have on several occasion told you guys how I started this blog to help me with my procrastination and help me to focus on meeting my deadlines but the endeavour has become so much more. I mean every weekend I look forward to bring you guys the happenings going on in my world.
I loved that I branched out and started doing Vlog for you guys as well. Its pretty awesome to be able to actually tell you guys whats going on and what I am thinking verbally. I may start doing reviews on certain things I have viewed or had the opportunity to play around with. (Movies, electronics, games and things like that) I will def tell you guys about art happening I see and art endeavors I embark on. After all this is an ART BLOG. Thats all for now my faithful few.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I loved that I branched out and started doing Vlog for you guys as well. Its pretty awesome to be able to actually tell you guys whats going on and what I am thinking verbally. I may start doing reviews on certain things I have viewed or had the opportunity to play around with. (Movies, electronics, games and things like that) I will def tell you guys about art happening I see and art endeavors I embark on. After all this is an ART BLOG. Thats all for now my faithful few.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I was walking to work on Thursday and caught a glimpse of a newspaper article . It was about a gay Zimbabwe priest I believe that had died. It got me to think about labels. Pretty weird huh, but in this society it seems like everything is about labels. He couldn't have been just a Zimbabwe priest, we had to know that he was gay as well. Anyway before I get off of what it got me thinking about, I recall growing up wanting to be an artist. All I wanted to do was be an artist.
I didn't have any cares in the world beyond getting older and being an artist. It was never about making "black art" for me, it was just about making art. It wasn't until after the events of 9/11 that I even thought of the concept of a label. I was in art school in DC at the time so I was right in the back door of what America was going through at that time. Like my classmates and peers at that time, I begin to create art that showed that I was proud to be an American. What ever I did, somewhere in my work was an homage to the great US of A. Out of this work was born a deeper meaning in my work. I took a step back and realized that all those years of creating art and wanting to be recognized as an artist never approached the fact that I was an artist who was black. I mean I was conscious of the fact but I didn't want that label. I didn't want to be known as a black artist because I wanted my work to have an identity of it's own. I am not saying that I am/was ashamed of being labeled a black artist, I just felt that I could say more through my work without the label. Roland Barthe felt that the death of the "author" (artist in this case) would open up the author's work. If you took away the identity it would be up to the viewer/reader to determine what they thought of the work based on what was presented and not based on what they knew/know of the author.
I dove headfirst into revealing myself as a black artist. I have actually written artist statements and grad School entrance essays based around my self-exploration into accepting the "blackness" in my work. As I get older, I fully intend on embracing the "blackness" of my work.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I didn't have any cares in the world beyond getting older and being an artist. It was never about making "black art" for me, it was just about making art. It wasn't until after the events of 9/11 that I even thought of the concept of a label. I was in art school in DC at the time so I was right in the back door of what America was going through at that time. Like my classmates and peers at that time, I begin to create art that showed that I was proud to be an American. What ever I did, somewhere in my work was an homage to the great US of A. Out of this work was born a deeper meaning in my work. I took a step back and realized that all those years of creating art and wanting to be recognized as an artist never approached the fact that I was an artist who was black. I mean I was conscious of the fact but I didn't want that label. I didn't want to be known as a black artist because I wanted my work to have an identity of it's own. I am not saying that I am/was ashamed of being labeled a black artist, I just felt that I could say more through my work without the label. Roland Barthe felt that the death of the "author" (artist in this case) would open up the author's work. If you took away the identity it would be up to the viewer/reader to determine what they thought of the work based on what was presented and not based on what they knew/know of the author.
I dove headfirst into revealing myself as a black artist. I have actually written artist statements and grad School entrance essays based around my self-exploration into accepting the "blackness" in my work. As I get older, I fully intend on embracing the "blackness" of my work.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Love in the time of the Obamas:)
I have been in love a couple of times. So I can say that I have loved and I have been loved. I have also lost love only to have found it and lose it again.
When it comes to love, I was always a late bloomer. I was always afraid to love, afraid to let someone love me. When I first got bit by the love bug, I didn't know how to handle it. When I found it again, I thought I had a handle on it. I thought that I knew what it was and what it involved. The love was still there but like the first time it didn't pan out.
One of the reasons I feel I was such a late bloomer is because I was afraid to love or be loved. I just never felt like I found the right person or if that person was genuinely into me.
Now in the present...right now in this moment...I understand love alot more. I learned that it's not something that you should go out and hunt for. It's not something you can really control. It's a feeling which over times nurtures you and seeks you out. It's an emotion that Is guided by the heart and soul.
I have known my girl for about a decade. We were always friends. Every now and then we would check on each other to see how the other one was doing. We would catch up and see where things were going in our respective lives. Somewhere along the way our love was building. When we started talking on a regular basis I could feel it but didn't know how to act on it. While I believe that she felt it and really began to act on it. Last year while I was in Chicago, I made sure every chance I had I was talking to her and that every night I would either fall asleep on the phone with her or atleast said good night to her before I went to sleep. It was at this time that she told me she felt so much love and that she could tell that I loved her.
I have gotten so used to her. She knows how to make me smile. She always say or tell me what I need to hear whether it be good or bad. I love the fact that I can show my true emotions around her and let her know how I really feel. I love that she will take time out of her day to call me and see how I am doing or see if I am ok if she hasn't heard from her. I love how she will call me at work simply to say I love you. I love that I can make her smile. I love that I can her happy and I love how happy she makes me feel. Everyday I look forward to talking to her. She is the spark to my life. She is my future. She is a large part of my life and she totally has my heart. I love her so much.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
When it comes to love, I was always a late bloomer. I was always afraid to love, afraid to let someone love me. When I first got bit by the love bug, I didn't know how to handle it. When I found it again, I thought I had a handle on it. I thought that I knew what it was and what it involved. The love was still there but like the first time it didn't pan out.
One of the reasons I feel I was such a late bloomer is because I was afraid to love or be loved. I just never felt like I found the right person or if that person was genuinely into me.
Now in the present...right now in this moment...I understand love alot more. I learned that it's not something that you should go out and hunt for. It's not something you can really control. It's a feeling which over times nurtures you and seeks you out. It's an emotion that Is guided by the heart and soul.
I have known my girl for about a decade. We were always friends. Every now and then we would check on each other to see how the other one was doing. We would catch up and see where things were going in our respective lives. Somewhere along the way our love was building. When we started talking on a regular basis I could feel it but didn't know how to act on it. While I believe that she felt it and really began to act on it. Last year while I was in Chicago, I made sure every chance I had I was talking to her and that every night I would either fall asleep on the phone with her or atleast said good night to her before I went to sleep. It was at this time that she told me she felt so much love and that she could tell that I loved her.
I have gotten so used to her. She knows how to make me smile. She always say or tell me what I need to hear whether it be good or bad. I love the fact that I can show my true emotions around her and let her know how I really feel. I love that she will take time out of her day to call me and see how I am doing or see if I am ok if she hasn't heard from her. I love how she will call me at work simply to say I love you. I love that I can make her smile. I love that I can her happy and I love how happy she makes me feel. Everyday I look forward to talking to her. She is the spark to my life. She is my future. She is a large part of my life and she totally has my heart. I love her so much.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Raining in Baltimore by Counting Crows
Hey you guys I just wanted to share a song I just fell in love with not too long ago. So enjoy.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong.
Saturday, October 24, 2009

I have a weird fascination with clouds. I love drawing and painting clouds. Glorious clusters of clouds. The last time I was in the air, I took quite a few pictures of the clouds. It is a beautiful sight up in the clouds.
I remember as a kid looking up at the sky and just being amazed at the clouds. I never was one for; oh the cloud looks like a dog, or oh that cloud looks like the statue of liberty. No I admired them for what they were; CLOUDS.
Watching the clouds move in a sense remind me of life. They roam aimlessly with the wind. I wish to be like the clouds and just go with the wind. I would love to just go where the day takes me. In a way I think I am beginning to.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pickles or something like that...
I somehow always manage to get caught up in the whole "what should I be doing" or "am I doing enough" debate in my head. I think of ways I can overcome this and try to act upon them but it always lead me back to the same debate. Alot of my stuff end up being not works of art but constant works in progress. I mean I jump gung-ho into them but then I jump gung-ho into the next thing. The more I think about it, that's not such a bad idea. It makes them more of, something like; an investigative journeys into my mind. Which sometimes can be quite complex. I wonder how many of my friends secretly think that I think I am a total genius...LOL. I am not that bad.
Sometimes I wonder what it would look like if I could leave my body and enter my mind. What would I see swirling about? What kind of tinkering would be going on? I know what you guys are thinking. What is he on about? What the hell are you rambling and ranting about man? Well my faithful few, you guys will just have to wait and see.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Side note: Isn't it funny that I say that every week, yet I always post on Saturdays...Or do I????
Sometimes I wonder what it would look like if I could leave my body and enter my mind. What would I see swirling about? What kind of tinkering would be going on? I know what you guys are thinking. What is he on about? What the hell are you rambling and ranting about man? Well my faithful few, you guys will just have to wait and see.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Side note: Isn't it funny that I say that every week, yet I always post on Saturdays...Or do I????
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Like Father, Like Son....?
Hey faithful few, how are you this fine, fine Saturday night? I am suffering from a case of the sniffles(all my fault, darn fan at night,lol). This post I felt as though I would ask you guys your opinion.
I can not escape the fact that I am my father's son. He and I share the same name. My question I will ask at the end of this post; it's not really a question but something that I would like some collective feedback or just your honest opinions.
My dad has always been into gadgets and things. Mostly audio equipment and i grew up watching and in some instances messing with his stuff while he was working or not looking. He still has a thing for gadgets but he is into video and pictures. My dad is also a musician. Like Jimi, my dad can make a guitar weep.
Myself, I am enthralled with gadgets; computers, cell phones, video games, and whatever. I am also an Artist. I am very creative as you guys know. I went to school for this. Whereas my dad just like his nostalgic methods and ways(I recently just got him into computers and every time I turn around I am helping him correct something that he hasn't grasped a hold of yet, LOL); I on the other hand am always looking for the next big thing. I am always trying to push the gadgets to it's limits. I have never met a gadget that I didn't feel as though it could do more. As far as art, I always tell the story of how I started drawing around the same time as I started to learn to write.
My question is how many of you guys believe that my gifts were inherent and how many believe that manifested themselves based on the fact that I was around my it growing up. Just a little something for you guys to ponder. That's all for now
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I can not escape the fact that I am my father's son. He and I share the same name. My question I will ask at the end of this post; it's not really a question but something that I would like some collective feedback or just your honest opinions.
My dad has always been into gadgets and things. Mostly audio equipment and i grew up watching and in some instances messing with his stuff while he was working or not looking. He still has a thing for gadgets but he is into video and pictures. My dad is also a musician. Like Jimi, my dad can make a guitar weep.
Myself, I am enthralled with gadgets; computers, cell phones, video games, and whatever. I am also an Artist. I am very creative as you guys know. I went to school for this. Whereas my dad just like his nostalgic methods and ways(I recently just got him into computers and every time I turn around I am helping him correct something that he hasn't grasped a hold of yet, LOL); I on the other hand am always looking for the next big thing. I am always trying to push the gadgets to it's limits. I have never met a gadget that I didn't feel as though it could do more. As far as art, I always tell the story of how I started drawing around the same time as I started to learn to write.
My question is how many of you guys believe that my gifts were inherent and how many believe that manifested themselves based on the fact that I was around my it growing up. Just a little something for you guys to ponder. That's all for now
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
What you talkin' 'bout Willis???
Hey faithful few! Its blog time. The next couple of months for me guys will be very hectic. With me trying to get in on college deadlines and preparing to make college deadlines, I have a lot on my plate. I am still trying to work through this little artist block I have been going through.
I have been looking at a lot of art and sketching; even doing a little brainstorming. I think its all about trying to overcome sadness/adversity and trying to take the energy from that and conveying it into your artistic "brain (practice)." I am pulling through it. I feel it. I know in the coming weeks I will produce. I have faith and I believe in me and my craft. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I have been looking at a lot of art and sketching; even doing a little brainstorming. I think its all about trying to overcome sadness/adversity and trying to take the energy from that and conveying it into your artistic "brain (practice)." I am pulling through it. I feel it. I know in the coming weeks I will produce. I have faith and I believe in me and my craft. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Post 100
Hello faithful few. How are things going with you guys? I am still being me, trying to get my head back into the proverbial game so to speak. I know its coming. I just need to convince myself that its time you know. Sure enough I will be back stronger and better for you guys. So I will keep you guys posted and leave you wanting the return of the Incomparable Artist.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Hello faithful few, how are you guys doing? I am making it. I'm partially back but not 100% back. I still have alot on my mind and alot that I need to let out but I am learning to deal with this in a now is the time moment but now this is NOT the moment. Fret not I will speak to you guys soon. I mean one of the reasons I created this blog was to help me focus on my inner self and be more open, its just that death does alot of weird things to you.
I will get back on track no doubt blogosphere, so watch out! That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I will get back on track no doubt blogosphere, so watch out! That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
RIP Cookie
January 8,1972 - August 29, 2009.
We are really going to miss. I am going to really miss you big sis...
We are really going to miss. I am going to really miss you big sis...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hello faithful few, how are things going? I don't have anything for you guys this week. I will be back next week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hey Blogoverse...
Hello faithful few! I know that you guys were loving the video blog posts. Don't fret...I am going to do one for you guys next week. I also have some work for you guys coming up soon, so be on the lookout for that. Next weekend I get to spend sometime with my baby and I am really excited about that. REALLY!!! Well I was just dropping a post to tell you guys what's up. That's all I have for you guys.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Just a little something...
Hello faithful few, how are things? I just thought I would drop you guys a post and let you know that next week I will be bring you guys a video blog about a new project that I am working on. So be on the look out for that guys. That's all for now.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Copper Goddess(es)???
Hello faithful few, how does this fine Saturday find you guys? Well I have had a great week thus far. I am working on some drawings and I will have some images for you guys sometime in the near future. I am working on depicting multiples and ghost images of The Copper Goddess. Until now there has always been a singular copper goddess in my work but now I plan on expanding the composition a little.
I feel in my mind that The Copper Goddess is begging to have "friends" surround her. I hope this goes well, you know. I haven't fully explored her yet and to change right in the middle could ruin my love for her or create an affair which can lead to great works of art. In any instance, I will be glad to have you guys along for the ride. So sit back and enjoy the show to come. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I feel in my mind that The Copper Goddess is begging to have "friends" surround her. I hope this goes well, you know. I haven't fully explored her yet and to change right in the middle could ruin my love for her or create an affair which can lead to great works of art. In any instance, I will be glad to have you guys along for the ride. So sit back and enjoy the show to come. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Beginning of new work...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Hey faithful few its that time again. I am a little earlier than usually but I might not get a chance to post on Saturday so I felt like I would post early for you guys this week. I just want to say thanks for the kind words I got from a guy who read a few of my post and gave me some great words of encouragement. I would like to say thanks. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
A trying time...
Hello faithful few...Happy 4Th. All week I thought this post was going to be art based. I was going to show you guys some of my work from a few years back and I was going to talk about this and talk about that. But I am going to abandon that idea. Instead I am going to talk to you about I guess my mindset right now. I am heavily researching grad schools and also trying to get things together to apply to The Savannah College of Art and Design. I am also looking for new work preferably close to where the schools I am looking at is located. Trying to make sure I qualify for that state residence requirement in some states.
Anyhow, right now in my current working environment I am feeling as though I am no longer wanted. As if they are trying to force me out. Not to sound high and might but I am the nuts and bolts at my place of business. Sure they could just get some more nuts and bolts and they probably would still survive but why replace the old ones if there is nothing wrong with them. There is so much going on behind the scenes to sabotage my character that sometimes its hard to even go into work. its like how do you motivate yourself to go somewhere where they treat you aren't even wanted. Its not like I screwed up or I lost them money or any of that. Its all about favorites. I an not the favorite and everyone else that needed to be whittled out is gone so that leaves just me. It is what it is. That's all I am going to say about that.
Next thing, I am wondering how feasible it is for me to focus on my art full-time and find work part-time. Or just focused on my work totally full-time. I know my girl and my family will support me but I just wondering if I can sustain a career move like that now. I need to research this a little more. I will let you guys know what I decide and when I decide. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Anyhow, right now in my current working environment I am feeling as though I am no longer wanted. As if they are trying to force me out. Not to sound high and might but I am the nuts and bolts at my place of business. Sure they could just get some more nuts and bolts and they probably would still survive but why replace the old ones if there is nothing wrong with them. There is so much going on behind the scenes to sabotage my character that sometimes its hard to even go into work. its like how do you motivate yourself to go somewhere where they treat you aren't even wanted. Its not like I screwed up or I lost them money or any of that. Its all about favorites. I an not the favorite and everyone else that needed to be whittled out is gone so that leaves just me. It is what it is. That's all I am going to say about that.
Next thing, I am wondering how feasible it is for me to focus on my art full-time and find work part-time. Or just focused on my work totally full-time. I know my girl and my family will support me but I just wondering if I can sustain a career move like that now. I need to research this a little more. I will let you guys know what I decide and when I decide. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Full Circle...
Hello faithful few! So right to it...other day while I was sketching and perplexing about my work on the Copper Goddess series, I was trying to find the relation to this body of work and my previous work. When while doing a goddess my mind flashed back from my sophomore year going into my junior year. Every break between moving up we had to do a project which would lead us into the next phase of our collegiate lives. So I did a sculpture based on fertility and the role of women in our society.(I grew up around strong black women and I truly believe the foundation of any good society starts with the woman) Later in the year, I also took a seminar class called "The Body" which discussed the female body in art. (I was one of two males in the class) In the class I also did a sculpture dealing with the concept of the body being molded into what we (the viewer) saw or wanted to see; how the body should be or how we (society) perceived the body to be.
All of this came to me in a matter of mere minutes. Both of this sculptures, while having something of an androgynous look to them were clearly female and little did I know back then that they were precursors to my current work "Copper Goddess." It would appear that my work has come full circle. I don't know if I am going to be stuck on this for awhile but I do know that i plan on spending as much time exploring it as I can. Look at that I really gave you guys something to look forward to, huh! I have a slide of one of the sculptures and hope to have a digital image of it for your guys next week. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
All of this came to me in a matter of mere minutes. Both of this sculptures, while having something of an androgynous look to them were clearly female and little did I know back then that they were precursors to my current work "Copper Goddess." It would appear that my work has come full circle. I don't know if I am going to be stuck on this for awhile but I do know that i plan on spending as much time exploring it as I can. Look at that I really gave you guys something to look forward to, huh! I have a slide of one of the sculptures and hope to have a digital image of it for your guys next week. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hello faithful few. How was the week for you guys? Mine was pretty good, I can't complain. I have been working on some art and job hunting and such. I am just checking in with you guys this weekend. I might have something big for you guys this week coming up. Love you baby!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hello faithful few its that time again and I as I promised you guys I will give you a sneak peek of my new artist statement. It is a really, really rough draft. I think alot of what I got going on in theory so far, I will need to simplify. Some of what I have to say needs to be expanded upon. In the coming weeks I will go through numerous rewrites and be brainstorming alot. I will continue to bring you guys updates as I have them. Without further ado, I present the beginning:
I create art that is meant to draw the audience in. Even though most times my work is personal, I try to keep myself out of my work. I love for my work to stand on it own. Every time I make a mark or stroke, I am conveying what I feel. My work is a plethora of concepts existing on a cohesive plane. My ideology verges on the crux of race, time and the social climate of today. In creating, I try to bring the user into my world while also showing them a different approach viewing the artist...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I create art that is meant to draw the audience in. Even though most times my work is personal, I try to keep myself out of my work. I love for my work to stand on it own. Every time I make a mark or stroke, I am conveying what I feel. My work is a plethora of concepts existing on a cohesive plane. My ideology verges on the crux of race, time and the social climate of today. In creating, I try to bring the user into my world while also showing them a different approach viewing the artist...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hello faithful few, how are things going? For the love of me I can not get focused on this statement of mine. Every time I put pen to paper I get stumped. I really really feel stumped. Its like I know what I want to say but it just doesn't come out the way I want to say it. I try to approach it from a standpoint of I am telling my audience(you guys) a story but like I said in my last couple of posts I don't want to get to off course by story telling or running off into an incoherent tangent. You know what I mean? Hopefully this is just a mini writers block that I am going through.
I am leaving tomorrow evening for Charlotte and maybe on my train ride there I will put something down and get it to you guys next week sometime. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until next week sometime, namaste and stay strong...
I am leaving tomorrow evening for Charlotte and maybe on my train ride there I will put something down and get it to you guys next week sometime. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until next week sometime, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hello faithful few. I have hit a slight rut when it comes to my artist statement. I know where I want to go with it but not exactly how I want to deliver it. I am def going to work on it in the next few days and hopefully I will have it for you guys early next week. Thats all I have for you guys this week. I know its short this week but thats all I got.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Focus Man...
Hey there faithful few, how are things? Things are quite well with me. I have been working kind of a weird schedule the past week so I really haven't had the chance to do much to my painting. Fret not blogosphere! I am working on it today and I do have some time to work on it at the beginning of next week so I am pretty stoked about that. I am trying this new technique that I am excited about as well. I also have been taking mental notes and doing a little brainstorming about my artist statement. I really need to work on that as well.
I want my statement to really reflect the direction that my work is starting to take so when I start applying to schools my statement and my portfolio are cohesive. MFA programs are all about creating and showing that you can maintain a "cohesive" body of work. I have to make sure that I am effectively representing my work in my statement. When it comes to talking about my work to people it quite easy to get passionate about it. Sometimes its real easy to go off on a tangent when writing about something that you are presenting when not in your audiences presence.
In the coming weeks I will begin to post rough drafts for you guys to check out. Maybe I will get some great feedback! That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I want my statement to really reflect the direction that my work is starting to take so when I start applying to schools my statement and my portfolio are cohesive. MFA programs are all about creating and showing that you can maintain a "cohesive" body of work. I have to make sure that I am effectively representing my work in my statement. When it comes to talking about my work to people it quite easy to get passionate about it. Sometimes its real easy to go off on a tangent when writing about something that you are presenting when not in your audiences presence.
In the coming weeks I will begin to post rough drafts for you guys to check out. Maybe I will get some great feedback! That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hello faithful few! How are things going with you guys? Can you believe that it is actually already May? I mean where is the year going.
Well as promised, this week I have pictures for you guys of the project that I am working on now. I have a full-on and two details. I hopefully will have more pictures for you guys next week.

Untitled - detail 1

Untitled - detail 2

Until some time next week, namaste and stay strong...
Well as promised, this week I have pictures for you guys of the project that I am working on now. I have a full-on and two details. I hopefully will have more pictures for you guys next week.

Untitled - detail 1

Untitled - detail 2

Until some time next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday, I love Saturday...
Hello faithful few, how does this weekend find you? My week was pretty uneventful as far as art goes. I have been contemplating this piece that I am work on right now for too long. I don't want to get hung up on just one piece you know what I mean. I need to have a couple of other things going at once. I need to keep my creative juices flowing.
I think tomorrow will be a good time to revamp my artists' statement. Its been awhile since I have worked on it, so it is quite dated. I think next week I will show you guys some sketches and maybe let you guys read a rough draft of my statement. In the coming weeks I want to post more sketches to show you guys how I am progressing week to week. Just to keep you, the faithful few abreast of what I am doing.
That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I think tomorrow will be a good time to revamp my artists' statement. Its been awhile since I have worked on it, so it is quite dated. I think next week I will show you guys some sketches and maybe let you guys read a rough draft of my statement. In the coming weeks I want to post more sketches to show you guys how I am progressing week to week. Just to keep you, the faithful few abreast of what I am doing.
That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
So it begins....
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Why its a post from yours truly...I just know you guys were waiting for you weekly blog. Your eyes were burning from the anticipation! Lol. Well faithful few fret not, for I have come bearing gifts of literary goodness.
I started my next piece when I got home today. I kind of sketched out the composition of the piece and i know where I want to go with it, now its all about the execution. I also need to figure out how I want to express my subject matter. It will be figurative but at this moment I don't know just how figurative it will be. Do I want to go for realism or expressionism? Do I want to capture the subjects essence or their emotion? I figure that if I sleep on it I can really put my best effort into it. I am not looking for anything perfect, just something that is really focus driven. In an event you guys will be the first to know what I decide, when I decide it. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until next week, namaste and stay strong...
I started my next piece when I got home today. I kind of sketched out the composition of the piece and i know where I want to go with it, now its all about the execution. I also need to figure out how I want to express my subject matter. It will be figurative but at this moment I don't know just how figurative it will be. Do I want to go for realism or expressionism? Do I want to capture the subjects essence or their emotion? I figure that if I sleep on it I can really put my best effort into it. I am not looking for anything perfect, just something that is really focus driven. In an event you guys will be the first to know what I decide, when I decide it. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
New Work
Hello faithful few, its that time again. This week I am going to show you my latest creation. This is the piece that I had in Maryland Art Places' Out of Order show.

The title of this piece is, It all falls down. This is one of the last abstract pieces that i am going to do for a minute. I want to get back to doing more figurative work. I have been saying that for awhile but this time I really need to focus on doing this. Don't want my body of work for the 2 years or so when I start applying for Grad schools to be completely dominated by abstractions. So for now I am going to change it up. I need to step my game up people. I will keep you guys posted on my progress. That's all I have for you guys today.
Until next week, namaste and stay strong...

The title of this piece is, It all falls down. This is one of the last abstract pieces that i am going to do for a minute. I want to get back to doing more figurative work. I have been saying that for awhile but this time I really need to focus on doing this. Don't want my body of work for the 2 years or so when I start applying for Grad schools to be completely dominated by abstractions. So for now I am going to change it up. I need to step my game up people. I will keep you guys posted on my progress. That's all I have for you guys today.
Until next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Dumela everyone, its that time again. I know I told you guys that this week I was going to post a pic of my lastest creation that I had in MAP Out of Order auction this past week but I am going to have to hold off on that for my next post. This week on this day i just want to post a reflection post. This day is the 41st anniversary of the death of the great Dr. Martin Luther King.
When I think about it, I try to visualize the thoughts on the mind of the people who were alive at that moment. What was going through their minds at that time? I mean we have heard stories and we have seen things that show accounts of that day but how did society really feel. I wonder if Dr. King were alive today would he think that his dream was realized or if there was work still left to do. We will never know but we can still keep on carrying out the legacy that he left us with.
That's all I have for you guys this week. I am going to finish this post different this week. I am not going to sign off but I am going to leave you guys with a clip of Dr. King's last speech...
When I think about it, I try to visualize the thoughts on the mind of the people who were alive at that moment. What was going through their minds at that time? I mean we have heard stories and we have seen things that show accounts of that day but how did society really feel. I wonder if Dr. King were alive today would he think that his dream was realized or if there was work still left to do. We will never know but we can still keep on carrying out the legacy that he left us with.
That's all I have for you guys this week. I am going to finish this post different this week. I am not going to sign off but I am going to leave you guys with a clip of Dr. King's last speech...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Two-Fold or Something like it...
Hello faithful few, its time for a little blogging! This week are having two bits of blogful goodness for you guys. The first thing is that I am working on a piece for the annual Out of Order Auction and Gala at Maryland Art Place(http://www.mdartplace.org/emails/ooo.2009.html). I pretty much have this piece done, I just have to figure out how I am going to finish it. I will have pics for you guys in next weeks' post.
The next thing I have for you guys is a little poem that I composed earlier in the week. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Is my skin a sin?
Is my skin a sin?
I did not choose this skin
This skin that I grew up in-
When walking down the street
A lot of people I meet
Be it by accident or
Just in passing
Seem intimidated by my skin
Is my skin a sin?
I did not choose this skin
This skin that I grew up in
This skin of mine has done me proud
It has afforded me the luxury to stand out in the crowd
It has cultivated me in so many ways
I dare try to elaborate.
It has taught me to be strong
It has taught me to be proud
Is my skin a sin?
Naw, its a blessing.
That's all I have for you guys this week. Next week pictures!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
The next thing I have for you guys is a little poem that I composed earlier in the week. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Is my skin a sin?
Is my skin a sin?
I did not choose this skin
This skin that I grew up in-
When walking down the street
A lot of people I meet
Be it by accident or
Just in passing
Seem intimidated by my skin
Is my skin a sin?
I did not choose this skin
This skin that I grew up in
This skin of mine has done me proud
It has afforded me the luxury to stand out in the crowd
It has cultivated me in so many ways
I dare try to elaborate.
It has taught me to be strong
It has taught me to be proud
Is my skin a sin?
Naw, its a blessing.
That's all I have for you guys this week. Next week pictures!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hello faithful few, it's that time of week again. As I poured over what I wanted to talk to you guys about today, I was amazed as to all the things I could possibly talk about.
I decided on talking about Twitter. I would like to thank my loving girlfriend for introducing me to the world of Twitter. Thank you baby. I love you.
I was always curious about Twitter but never got into it. The other day my girlfriend called me early in the morning and was like lets get on Twitter. I thought it was weird because I was half sleep when she said it but then later in the day yesterday I remembered that she mentioned it. So I called her and told her that I remembered that she mentioned it the night before and that I was signing up. I am so glad for her for recommending Twitter. I had seen celebrities mention the whole Twitter craze before in print and TV but I still wasn't convince about the advantages of Twitter but the first couple of days have been awesome. Being able to follow artist and museums and to have them following me also hopefully is a plus! (I have a gallery in London following me.) The more and more i get used to Twitter I think I will be able to make even better connections also bring alot more people to my blog. Don't get me wrong I love you faithful few but I would love to really increase the traffic to my blog.
Well that's all I have for you guys. Looking forward to blogging for your guys again soon.
Until next week some time, namaste and stay strong...
I decided on talking about Twitter. I would like to thank my loving girlfriend for introducing me to the world of Twitter. Thank you baby. I love you.
I was always curious about Twitter but never got into it. The other day my girlfriend called me early in the morning and was like lets get on Twitter. I thought it was weird because I was half sleep when she said it but then later in the day yesterday I remembered that she mentioned it. So I called her and told her that I remembered that she mentioned it the night before and that I was signing up. I am so glad for her for recommending Twitter. I had seen celebrities mention the whole Twitter craze before in print and TV but I still wasn't convince about the advantages of Twitter but the first couple of days have been awesome. Being able to follow artist and museums and to have them following me also hopefully is a plus! (I have a gallery in London following me.) The more and more i get used to Twitter I think I will be able to make even better connections also bring alot more people to my blog. Don't get me wrong I love you faithful few but I would love to really increase the traffic to my blog.
Well that's all I have for you guys. Looking forward to blogging for your guys again soon.
Until next week some time, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Finally, a Black History Post...
Hello faithful few its that time again and yes finally I will give you guys what I said I would give you. My Black History Post!!! So without further ado-
Last month was black history, it was the first black history month with our first black president. In this day and age we are finding that the American Black or Black American or African-American, dependent on how you tag yourself, are gaining in positions of power and worth. Four hundred years ago, we can probably bet that our ancestors never thought the day would come that the first family would be of African descent. It kind of begs you to wonder if before long the need to celebrate our history will dissipate. The more prominence and recognition we get as a people, will society deem it necessary to eliminate Black history month. Will they feel like that we are achieving so much they we shouldn't deserve a whole month devote to our history? Some might debate that Dr. Woodson started this to help commemorate our place in American history and that now we are re-writing or re-establishing history that there is no need to single out one particular month.
I believe that black history will live on. I also believe that the further along we grow that while it won't go away, it will become an afterthought to some of us. It is up to us to keep the tradition going. Even though we are advancing as a people we still must carry on the legacy of our ancestors and tell the generations to come about what our ancestors had to overcome and what we as a people had to go through just to get where we are today. We maybe be winning the fight, but the battle rages on.
I hope I have sparked some interest and piqued you guys brains a little. I am glad I had the opportunity to start this discourse with you. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Last month was black history, it was the first black history month with our first black president. In this day and age we are finding that the American Black or Black American or African-American, dependent on how you tag yourself, are gaining in positions of power and worth. Four hundred years ago, we can probably bet that our ancestors never thought the day would come that the first family would be of African descent. It kind of begs you to wonder if before long the need to celebrate our history will dissipate. The more prominence and recognition we get as a people, will society deem it necessary to eliminate Black history month. Will they feel like that we are achieving so much they we shouldn't deserve a whole month devote to our history? Some might debate that Dr. Woodson started this to help commemorate our place in American history and that now we are re-writing or re-establishing history that there is no need to single out one particular month.
I believe that black history will live on. I also believe that the further along we grow that while it won't go away, it will become an afterthought to some of us. It is up to us to keep the tradition going. Even though we are advancing as a people we still must carry on the legacy of our ancestors and tell the generations to come about what our ancestors had to overcome and what we as a people had to go through just to get where we are today. We maybe be winning the fight, but the battle rages on.
I hope I have sparked some interest and piqued you guys brains a little. I am glad I had the opportunity to start this discourse with you. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hello faithful few, its that wonderful time again. I am happy to say that I finally am up and running with new computer. I am still getting the hang of it so this week I will just tell you guys that sometime next week my now twice-delayed black history post we be brought to you by yours truly. I truly am sorry but I am playing around and as Clinton Sparks would say(Google him)"gettin' familiar," with my new toy. That's it for now.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sorry for the...
Hello faithful few...Today I come to you still not having my computer available. The good news is I found one and I should have it sometime next week. So I know I made mention in my last post about writing my Black History post this week but because of some circumstances and having to work so much this past week I haven' had the chance to gather my thoughts. Wow that was a long sentence. LOL!
Next week I will do my post and it will still be about black history eventhough we will technically be in Women's History Month, I believe. I apologize to you my Blogities, who might have looked forward to my Black History post. Fret not, for next week you will have it. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until next week sometime, namaste and stay strong...
Next week I will do my post and it will still be about black history eventhough we will technically be in Women's History Month, I believe. I apologize to you my Blogities, who might have looked forward to my Black History post. Fret not, for next week you will have it. That's all I have for you guys this week.
Until next week sometime, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Just some meager ramblings...
Hello faithful few, its that time again. I am sorry that I did not get back to you guys earlier like I said I would but I had a busy first part of the week and also I found out that my computer is toast. The motherboard went up on it and it cost almost as much as the laptop just for a replacement one. I have been searching for a new though so hopefully before I go on vacation, I should have a new one. Hopefully! Anyway Blogites, I just thought I would check in and let you guys know what was going on with me.
My next post on the last day of the month the last day of black history month will be about black history month. I hope you guys are looking forward to it!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
My next post on the last day of the month the last day of black history month will be about black history month. I hope you guys are looking forward to it!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Halfway thru February
Hello Faithful few, its that time again. Are you ready? Well we are officially halfway through the month and my how does time fly! I don't have too much to say today other than Happy Valentines Day and I will probably do a post for you guys tomorrow or Monday. I haven't decide yet but when I do you will be the first to know!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hello faithful few, its that time again. This week I have some work for you guys. It is a little something I did while I was watching this documentary on blacks who have emigrated to South Africa from the US. Just watching this show had me so motivated.
Its a pretty crude pastel drawing a la my hero Basquiat. As I was drawing it, I was also taking in what these people were saying. It was as if I was a painter who was on stage while someone was giving a speech and this was a visual interpretation of that speech. It felt really good to feed off of what I was watching. I tried to lay down everything as quick as possible and not focus too much on proportions or any likeness to any person. I wanted to grab a sense of being or a sense of strength in the drawing but still holding true to the softness of the subject. A subject, who for all intents and purposes could be just about in woman of African descent.
That's all I have for you guys this week. So tell me what you think. All comments are welcomed. I have talked about it so now with out further ado:

Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Its a pretty crude pastel drawing a la my hero Basquiat. As I was drawing it, I was also taking in what these people were saying. It was as if I was a painter who was on stage while someone was giving a speech and this was a visual interpretation of that speech. It felt really good to feed off of what I was watching. I tried to lay down everything as quick as possible and not focus too much on proportions or any likeness to any person. I wanted to grab a sense of being or a sense of strength in the drawing but still holding true to the softness of the subject. A subject, who for all intents and purposes could be just about in woman of African descent.
That's all I have for you guys this week. So tell me what you think. All comments are welcomed. I have talked about it so now with out further ado:

Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Hello faithful few, I know in last weeks' post I made mention of posting earlier but the more I thought about it, I really didn't have any reason for rushing my post this week. I hope I didn't disappoint you guys. As I contemplated my post this week I thought of what changes I could make to liven up my blog a little, you know. I am very proud of myself and my ability to maintain my blog as long as I have. It really is a testament to my determination to achieve a sense or order...a sense of commitment.
Every week I look forward to posting for you guys. I am in the coming months really overhaul my blog. I have tried a couple of backgrounds recently and even fooled around with the layout, trying to get that right feel, yo know. I am trying to get that "A-HA" moment. That moment when I feel as though my new background speaks to me and my artistic nature. I hope you guys anticipate the changes to come with bated breath and exhilarating excitement!
That's all I have for you guys this week. But I will be back folks and in the coming weeks I will try to post more art for you guys. So be on the lookout!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Every week I look forward to posting for you guys. I am in the coming months really overhaul my blog. I have tried a couple of backgrounds recently and even fooled around with the layout, trying to get that right feel, yo know. I am trying to get that "A-HA" moment. That moment when I feel as though my new background speaks to me and my artistic nature. I hope you guys anticipate the changes to come with bated breath and exhilarating excitement!
That's all I have for you guys this week. But I will be back folks and in the coming weeks I will try to post more art for you guys. So be on the lookout!
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
It is official...President Barack Hussein Obama
Hello Faithful few, I come to you today writing my first post under our new government. It is official, Barack Hussein Obama is now our 44Th President of this United States of America. We can now lay claim to finally having a man of color as our commander-in-chief.
I am excited to see how our country responds in the coming months to the new government and the changing of the guard. It will fun to watch I can tell you that. That's all I have for you guys this week but don't fret next week I will come strong for you guys. I probably post earlier as well.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I am excited to see how our country responds in the coming months to the new government and the changing of the guard. It will fun to watch I can tell you that. That's all I have for you guys this week but don't fret next week I will come strong for you guys. I probably post earlier as well.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Open Letter to Barack...
Hello faithful few, its that time again!!! Tried to show a little more enthusiasm this week. I figured that since last week I was very brief with you guys, I wanted you guys to see that I am back strong this week. So enough of me yibber yabbing.(LOL)
The week ahead will be a pretty interesting week. Monday is MLK Day and then on Tuesday, we will bear witness to history, when President-elect Barack Obama becomes the 44Th president in the history of the United States. It is a great time to be an American. I will leave you guys this week with an open letter to our president-elect. I hope you guys enjoy.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Dear Mr. Obama,
I would like to take the time to personally thank you for helping this country to come together and vote for change. Thank you for showing us that as a country we can pull together and vote. For showing us that change can come to Washington and not just in one man but in a nation that stands behind that one man. You have crossed all gender lines, all racial and age lines. You have helped to unite a nation.
Thank you Mr.Obama for showing our children, our parents, our grandparents, and future generations to come that with a little unity anything is possible. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to believe and to see a person of color get elected to the office of the highest official in the nation. Thank you for giving the young black boys and young black girls sitting in kindergarten dreaming of becoming president, hope.
Now Mr. Obama, I am not proclaiming you the second coming of the messiah or calling you our holy savior. What I am saying is that you touched the hearts and minds of a nation who saw fit that you were ready to lead our great nation. I truly believe that you can help guide us into the right direction. To me you are what I would call,a somewhat new wave democrat. While being a democrat, you realize that the government is bigger than two political parties. You realize that until this country has a government that thinks as one we won't be able to change the nations' problems.
In closing Mr. Obama, I would like to thank you for renewing in me a sense of hope and change. I look forward to the next four years and possibly eight years with you at the helm.
Godspeed and good luck
Arthur L Lovely Jr
The week ahead will be a pretty interesting week. Monday is MLK Day and then on Tuesday, we will bear witness to history, when President-elect Barack Obama becomes the 44Th president in the history of the United States. It is a great time to be an American. I will leave you guys this week with an open letter to our president-elect. I hope you guys enjoy.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Dear Mr. Obama,
I would like to take the time to personally thank you for helping this country to come together and vote for change. Thank you for showing us that as a country we can pull together and vote. For showing us that change can come to Washington and not just in one man but in a nation that stands behind that one man. You have crossed all gender lines, all racial and age lines. You have helped to unite a nation.
Thank you Mr.Obama for showing our children, our parents, our grandparents, and future generations to come that with a little unity anything is possible. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to believe and to see a person of color get elected to the office of the highest official in the nation. Thank you for giving the young black boys and young black girls sitting in kindergarten dreaming of becoming president, hope.
Now Mr. Obama, I am not proclaiming you the second coming of the messiah or calling you our holy savior. What I am saying is that you touched the hearts and minds of a nation who saw fit that you were ready to lead our great nation. I truly believe that you can help guide us into the right direction. To me you are what I would call,a somewhat new wave democrat. While being a democrat, you realize that the government is bigger than two political parties. You realize that until this country has a government that thinks as one we won't be able to change the nations' problems.
In closing Mr. Obama, I would like to thank you for renewing in me a sense of hope and change. I look forward to the next four years and possibly eight years with you at the helm.
Godspeed and good luck
Arthur L Lovely Jr
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Null and Void
Hello faithful few, its that time again. This week though I am not going to get into anything. I am sick and I am not feeling good. Feeling the effects of this weather I guess but I promise I will have something for you guys next week. That's all for now.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
First post of 2009
Hello faithful few, its that time of the week. Blogging! Well I had a pretty uneventful New Years but I plan on getting my grind on this month. I am still working out somethings with my work and I will hope to get you guys some pics up pretty soon.
I want to leave you guys this week with one of my resolutions. I, this year, resolute to continue conquering my procrastination.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
I want to leave you guys this week with one of my resolutions. I, this year, resolute to continue conquering my procrastination.
Until sometime next week, namaste and stay strong...
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