These first set of images are of my Rhinacorn figure. The body is a Munny vinyl toy from Kid Robot that I am currently painting and the helmet that I made and shared with you guys a few weeks ago. I still have a bit of work to do on Munny so I will keep you guys updated. Next...
This is a weekly blog where I will post what I have been doing in terms of my art. I will randomly post an entry once a week. I hope that you will enjoy reading my ramblings.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
A New Year is Coming...
These first set of images are of my Rhinacorn figure. The body is a Munny vinyl toy from Kid Robot that I am currently painting and the helmet that I made and shared with you guys a few weeks ago. I still have a bit of work to do on Munny so I will keep you guys updated. Next...
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Happy Holidays...
Saturday, December 17, 2011
The Golden Rhinacorn
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Beginnings of something new...
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Hey faithful few, I am under the weather today so I am not going to try and do the blog I wanted to do for you guys today. I will probably post it early next week so be looking for that ok.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Tech -to- Art
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A-HA!!! 7-7-10-7-5-3-2
Flash forward...Back in April of this year I purchased an iPad. One of the first apps I purchased was GarageBand. I spent many a night playing around with GarageBand "strumming and plucking" the different guitars on the app. Even going as far as learning a very, very elementary/amateurish version of the opening rift to Free Bird.
I hadn't played around with GarageBand in a few weeks but a couple of weeks ago I got the urge to learn a little Seven Nation Army (YES, I am a White Stripes fan; don't JUDGE ME!!!) So I found myself late one night watching YouTube tutorials on how to play the chords on a guitar of all instruments. After watching these videos it finally clicked. Some of the things my dad was saying to me back then began to make sense. I actually began to understand the guitar. Frets became extremely clear to me! For the next couple of days all I kept hearing in my head was the tabs to Seven Nation Army...7...7...10...7...5...3...2 over and over and over...It made me feel so great!
I will definitely continue to follow this up and I will continually share with you guys my experience...
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
RHINACORN...The beginning
I have been thinking about it for a while now. I have discussed it at work ad nausem. So I think its finally time to put something down. I have been brainstorming preliminary ideas for an origin story for the Rhinacorn the past couple of days and I am torn between a short story or a novella. I have been using this character a lot lately so its only natural that it is taking up a big part of my "mental capacity" to function as an artist. (It may not seem like it but I did say something, LOL) I start one thing and somewhere along the line or should I say along my artistic process, I am drawn back to the Rhinacorn. I don"t want to get to deep in thought right now about exactly what he means to me as for fear of spoiling the work to come. In the next couple of weeks I will have a brief summation of where I am going with this for you guys. And as always I look forward to sharing with you Faithful few -Namaste
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Deathmatch: Tweets VS. TV News...
There was a time that I would do my best to keep abreast of what was going on in the world. Lately I find myself not really getting into current events. I am a twitterer, so I get a lot of my info from there. Usually when something happens or something is going on, I check Twitter. I just find it hard sometimes to watch the news. Its weird...I mean watching the news you are getting the same perspective from same source and from one angle, whereas with twitter you have your own news source in a big aspect the entire public opinion. In my mind it makes for a better source of news. There is nothing like getting the public spin on things as they are happening. That's my little rant for the week. See you guys next week. -Namaste
Saturday, October 8, 2011
"Sometimes home isn't where the he(ART) is..." or "Just PAINT!"
I know sometime ago I kind of discussed with you guys this same subject but I just felt talking it out again would again motivate me to get it in gear. I plan on sharing more posts like this with you guys in the future. I have noticed that I haven't been opening up as much with you guys about my motivation or lack of motivation thereof when it comes to my work.
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Saturday, October 1, 2011
Hmmmm TECH IS 4 DA Nerds and all of us...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Blogging in the heat of the moment or Who put pepper in the Froot Loops...
I believe if one truly wants to tap into their creative side they can't do so with out reaching into their "strange gene". Usually my ideas come purely from some weird thought. I can't even begin to imagine the exact number of ideas I can up with based on my love of the "strange". I mean I have a character called "The Rhinacorn". If you guys only knew the real story behind the Rhinacorn, you guys would be like "what is going through dudes head...what is he on?" And I would tell you guys that I am high off of "pushing the envelope"...I'm tripping off of "thinking outside the box" and tweaking on "...there are no mistakes, just happy accidents". (Trust me, I could get cornier)
I hope you guys enjoyed this little post this week. If not, then it wasn't meant for you. Go punch a bunny in the face or something...
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Saturday, September 17, 2011
In Remembrance of 9/11
I remember exactly where I was on that fateful night. At the time I was actually in art school in DC (Corcoran!!!). I had actually overslept that morning which meant I missed my train and I definitely wouldn't be making it to class that morning. I remember waking up to my phone ringing like crazy. I answered it and one of my friends was concerned with my whereabouts. I told her why what's wrong, I am still at home. She was like you haven't seen the news I take it. She was worried about me. Then I started getting more calls from concerned friends. So by now I had gotten quite curious. I turned on the news and it was hard to explain what I was feeling at that precise moment. At first I couldn't believe what I was actually seeing. It was extremely surreal. Watching the TV coverage after awhile became hard to take in. I had to turn it off. After the first couple of hours it became...I don't know how exactly to explain it but it was hard to watch.
Flash forward a few months later and The Corcoran Gallery had an exhibit which featured images and video from 9/11 taken by journalists and everyday people. I remember saying to myself one day when we broke for lunch that I would walk up to the gallery and check it out. When I got up there it brought about those same feelings I had when I saw the events unfolding on TV that fateful day. I remember walking through the gallery and seeing all these images. They were quite graphic to say the least. The ambiance of the room almost gripped you and pulled you into to this kind of sad and melancholy vortex. It was a very powerful exhibit. I spent quite a while wandering and observing the imagery. I am going to end my post right here but before I go I just want to share this final remembrance with you guys. I mean I know this happened. We talked about it in just about every class when I went back to school. We talked about it at work. We talked about it back in Baltimore. All around me were constant reminders but it was the last image I checked out which really made it hit home for me...this stopped me dead in my tracks. It pulled me in. The last image really choked me up. I was extremely heartbroken. My country had been viciously attacked and it really hurt me. It hurt like hell. The last image I checked out in the exhibit was a picture of a severed leg of lady. I knew it was a ladies' leg because it still had on a ladies red pump...
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Saturday, September 10, 2011
Sometimes you gotta suck lemons...
Hello faithful few, I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on. Well let's see...I am currently still in the process of trying to come up with a format for this tech blog I want to start. It should be an easy thing, right...well it's proving to be a wee bit complicated. I don't want to just set myself up to be simply making a blog about me rambling about tech. I could just do that here lol. No, I want this other blog to be quite informative and somewhat educational. Plus it's not a blog that I would be doing weekly. It'll be one where I share with you guys tips and other interesting things about all thing technological. I would also use it as a reference guide for friends and anyone who needed help with basic tech questions/points. I mean I help a lot of friends and family out. They almost always make me their go-to-guy. So a place where i could point them to after I initially help them would be great! I also need to manage my time wisely so I don't spend too much time trying to keep the blog going. Cool thing about technology though is that there is always "an app for that." So be looking for me to post a link to that blog in the coming weeks. Soon...its coming trust me!
I have also been trying to find ways to keep me motivated artistically. I have been having these moments a lot recently where I have so many great ideas and I start creating and right in the middle of these masterpieces; I lose the thought behind the idea. It's as if my mind is trying not to finish the creative process if it senses that the idea is not fully developed. Which is weird, being as though the purpose for starting the creation is to develop the idea. Maybe I need to go away somewhere and sit with my sketchbook. Just sit there and spend time with it. Really attack it. I should plan my vacation around that idea. You know just thinking about it right now, it sounds like a real good idea. You know that's why I really enjoy talking to you guys. I feel like when I pour my heart out to you guys sometimes and it really opens me up. Clears the air and my mind a lot. Thanks guys for allowing me to share:)
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Saturday, September 3, 2011
Note to my 26 yr old "SELF", Act1, Scene1...
So if I could travel back in time and impart you with some words of wisdom, what exactly would I say to you? I often ponder what if I had done things differently, were would I be now? What if I traveled back 10 years and say to you dude, maybe you should take more graphic design classes...mix it up a little...or maybe you should have applied to art school out west...maybe now is the time for you to become a vegetarian. I wonder "SELF" how would me helping you make those decisions then affect my now? Who knows "SELF"? Don't get me wrong, I love my life, my family, my friends, my girl and the course my life is taking right now. It's just sometimes "SELF" you have this period of reflection...a period of what-ifs...a period of "if I could go back, what would I change...".
"SELF," there are some things that I wouldn't allow you to change for the world. I would have a deep fear of what it might do to "OUR" future. How it would hurt bonds we would build going would probably change "OUR" view of would definitely change things!
NO! You know what I would do "SELF?" I would better prepare you for what comes next. I would help you to be stronger. I wouldn't exactly guide you down the path but I would help you to stay focus and help you to understand that it might not happen in 10 or maybe even 15 years; but the stronger you get the more you will persevere. I would also let you know that on the way to getting stronger, that it's ok to open's ok to give in to your emotions. Try not to keep them so bottled up. And "SELF"...I might not see it on the outside but inside it only keeps getting better...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hurricane Irene
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Saturday, August 20, 2011
Crime Happens or How I survived life in Baltimore...
All of these places I have dreamed of and thought of in my mind would be great places to go. Great places to start a new life in. Most of the places stateside I "habitatually covet" are high crime destinations. Coming from the little big city that is Baltimore, I am all to familiar with crime. I think in some ways I have gotten to a place where in my mind it's almost a way of life in Baltimore. I won't say I am desensitized to it but when you live in a city that averages 40 murders per 100k people and only has a little over 650K; you get that "I living in Baltimore...that's how they do" feeling.
In a way when I am a city like New York or Chicago, which are just as violent; it seems easy to feel like I belong or like it's not like I haven't lived in this environment before. I recall visiting Chicago about 8 years ago waiting for my ride at the Dan Ryan Expressway, up around 95th and Dan Ryan. I was told just stay where I was and to not to wander because it was a dangerous neighborhood. Pretty unsavory. But I sometimes like to think of myself as a "man's man" so I wandered a little bit. After seeing some of the exchanges, interactions and "unsavoriness," I came to the conclusion that this is not unlike anything I have seen before. In my mind it was just like the "410" except it was the "773." All through life, I have heard from people that you don't want to go there or you shouldn't go in that neighborhood. I have a friend who has worked in DC about 15 years. In 2000 when I started college in DC, he warned me about SE DC. "You don't want to spend too much time there...". I remember one day being on the metro back to Union Station and hearing this altercation between two old guys and the one old guy screamed he was from SE and the other humbled himself. I remember at the point saying to myself, I MUST VENTURE TO SE DC! Again not unlike anything you would see in Baltimore. I feel like there are a lot of us who do realize that Baltimore was dangerous way before The Wire.
I am one of those people who while in their mind knows that things are rough still feels like he is being adventurous when walking into certain "dangerous" surroundings. Don't get me wrong I am not so naive that I would blindly walk into let's say a war torn country but I do have no qualms with walking into an urban city that many people have viewed or view as "hell on earth.". I guess you can see it's a matter of strong faith or zen belief, if you will.
I talk so much about how I would love to live in Chicago or New York. I talk about what a great experience it would be to do so. I never think about the crime. The crime rarely comes up. If we were to go by what statistics say, it's probably safer to say its safer to live in Chicago or New York than Baltimore. Now I know a lot of people may disagree with me but as I mentioned before my mind has basically taken crime out of the equation. I am always hearing people who have moved here talking about how Baltimore is such a great place to live and have often wondered if they even think of baltimore as a dangerous city. I know that might come off as contradictory of my argument earlier in this post but that's just my native baltimorean mind speaking. As someone from here, I have it ingrained in my mind no matter how much or how often, I view crime here as commonplace. As a matter of fact, I sometimes wonder if I have the opportunity to live in a "Chicago" will I adopt that same mindset as people who move here. My bets on YES.
Well, I am glad I got the chance to share with you guys. I hope my ramblings didn't go off kilter too far and lose it's cohesiveness. If it did, I hope you guys caught the gist of it. I will continue this topic again at a later date. Until then...
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Saturday, August 13, 2011
Submission for Show
This is a video of my latest piece. I might post some more pics of it next week.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I sometimes ramble...but So What..."Who Cares..."
I am currently working on a drawing that I am hoping to finish by end of next week or the beginning of the following week. I will have some progression drawings for you guys maybe next week. I really have been trying to get back in the habit of creating. Don't want my head to explode from all the ideas I have in it;) Well that's all I have to say this week I think. I look forward to sharing with you guys next. Until then...
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Whole Foods Rave
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
SUPPORT - Should I care or shouldn't I...
I have always had ppl who straddled the line of being supportive/non-supportive. I never let myself get to close to that line because as an individual and a non-conforming conformist (Think about that for a second) I don't really give two flying monkeys a lot of time whether someone supports me or not. I mean don't get me wrong I do get a lot of support. My family, my girl and some friends support me just fine. I got to say that my current girlfriend has been/is the most supportive girlfriend I have ever had. Sure I have my detractors and people who call it "keeping it real," but I also have some people who believe in the power of positive thinking.
I have always been one who tends to not care what others think on the outside, but inside my head somewhere I believe I do. Now do I let this get to me...not really or not that I can see but I am sure some small town in maybe middle America, a therapist would think otherwise. I pride myself on not letting my inner voice dictate when and how I feel. I try to take a Zen approach to life. So in my eyes I know I can and will succeed. Its just a matter of believing and I do.
I just wanted to share that with you guys this week and I looked forward to expressing myself for you guys again real soon. Whether it be visually or mentally...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Being Human
It was pretty amazing to me when I started picking my brain about this topic how something so simple could have such complex meanings. "Being Human" involves such a long range of emotion that it leaves you with a plethora of meanings and subject matter. So much so, that it makes it almost impossible to explore it or define it in a few words. I mean it can be done but it's such an all-encompassing phrase that to define it in a few words would do it no real justice.
Over the next few weeks as I partake in my artistic endeavor, I will wholeheartedly explore this subject and hope that my internal discourse manifests itself in this piece that I will be working on. As always, you guys will be kept in the loop. That's all I have for you guys this week. Enjoy!
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Saturday, July 2, 2011
On to year 2...
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Success VS Self-Doubt...
I can be really hard on myself and I think it then causes me to have a lot of self-doubts about things. Idle time brings about thoughts of successes and failures. Which then brings about more self-doubt. I try not to let self-doubt eat away at me though, I always tell myself that life is about struggles and that overcoming those struggles is something that helps define us. It helps us to gauge just how "successful" we've become. I know with a lot of perseverance, I can be quite successful. I just have to continue to stay the course and not give in to self-doubt. Even when plans/things are going quite according to how I have them played out in my head, I have to keep pushing on. 5, 10 years from now when I am going through my blog or reflecting back on my life, I can say it might not have been easy but I made it. I turned my self-doubt into success.
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
Hello Blog World
It was a pretty quick week this week. Seems like only a couple of days ago I posted for you guys...well I had a pretty easy week. I have been re-watching The Wire again and I have been breezing through it. I just started a week or so ago and I am already on season 3! Yes the show is that damn good!!! Yesterday I treated myself to the movies. I went to see Mr. Poppers Penguins and Green Lantern 3D. Both movies were really good. I am really happy the Green Lantern turned out pretty good. You know marginal superhero movies usually suck, i.e. Daredevil, Elektra and Superman Returns to name a few. The script for Green Lantern was pretty well written. My only fault with the movie was that Ryan Reynolds put a tad bit too much of himself in this role. I am about to go all comic book geeky for a few, forgive me:). Hal Jordan has always been written as a headstrong, cocky and yet confident hotshot. His personality is that of a born leader. When Ryan was immersed in that persona he was spot on. Those moments when he put himself in the role not so much. If he was playing Wade Wilson (Deadpool, like he did albeit a bastardized version in X-Men Origins: Wolverine) or Spiderman, he would have been perfect. Those two guys in the comic book world have wisecracking personalities which his personality would be perfect for. Ok I am out of Comic Book Geek mode...LOL. I highly recommend you go see it. Just an FYI as well...stay after the credits. Awesome Easter egg at the end of the movie. Now the CBG is done for the time being...
I didn't work on the piece for you guys yet ('cause if I did you guys would see a pic of it in this post!) I bought some supplies today for it though so next weeks' post should be an updated picture. So be looking for that.
I just started revamping my website today. And as I was going over content I noticed that it had been 2 years almost since I had added any new work. That's no good...NO GOOD AT ALL!!! I am going to continue switching it up a lot so hopefully it gets real sexy soon;)
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Friday, June 10, 2011
New work...
Where the piece goes will be determined solely on how I feel like presenting it to you guys. Now you might say how is that different from me posting a picture of what I am working on now or in the past. Well as the weeks come and go it will all seem clearer. I look forward to working with you guys;)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Still torn...
I also started a painting today. I should have some images for you guys next weekend. I think I will also brainstorm some tomorrow about this new blog. Well that's all I have for you guys this week. Sorry it's not as deep as last weeks post;)
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
My Baltimore...
Baltimore has a lot to offer don't get me wrong, it does. I have just been around a few people lately who have tried to sell me, the native baltimorean on how great a city it is. (Like selling milk to a cow or eggs to a hen!)
For some folk their vision of Baltimore comes from what they are around or word of mouth from others. For some the only bad or downside to Baltimore is what they have seen on TV (The Wire, it was a great show by the way) Further still Baltimore has a deep divide of social status in it. For some they see Baltimore as only confined to the downtown area. Venturing outside of downtown Baltimore takes you to some other worldly city that "money" has forgotten. There are blocks of rowhomes, where every house is boarded up save for one or two. Yet there are so many homeless people or people looking for places to live in the city. You venture downtown and you are greeted with new condos and lofts going up and opening up in old buildings. While still outside of downtown Baltimore things are in need of renovation and construction.
Getting back visions of the great "state" of Baltimore, Baltimore like most urban cities in America is plagued with crime. Sometimes walking through different neighborhoods, I think to myself if your aren't from Baltimore and decide to move here where would you move to. There are a numerous areas where I feel that if you aren't from here you should or would not definitely move to. Not saying that those neighborhoods are that bad but their " ne sais quois" is more suited for native baltimoreans. I actually know people who don't venture out of west Baltimore to go into east Baltimore and vice versa. Not necessarily for fear but because of not knowing and not being from that side of town. But those people will venture downtown. For them going downtown I assume would be the equivalent of baby boomers putting on their "Sunday's best" and going to Sears Roebuck back in the'50s and '60s. It's not a bad thing...its a good thing but I am still amazed by that.
I used to watch the Wire and think that they over exaggerated things. I mean there are Chrises' and Snoops in a lot of cities. Every city has it's share of Avon and Stringer Bell. So some where in my mind I had blocked out just how bad the "state of Baltimore" outside of downtown could get. Had it been my own naïveté denying me the common sense that I have inside to know that there were plenty of truths in the Wire? Maybe. Crime had been on the steady decline in Baltimore the last few years but recently it has seemed to spike. A few days ago, some kids were sitting on their porch watching the NBA playoffs when someone came around a corner and opened up fire hitting them. Tragic. Back in the day my friends and I would have no fear of enjoying time outside. Playing football and baseball in the streets. Nowadays the urban city can be almost as harrowing as a third world country. My Baltimore is filled with brazen people who have a blatant disregard for human life. My Baltimore is one, where the young generation don't see past the confines of Baltimore. My Baltimore is one that is more known for what you see on the 11 o'clock news rather than what comes out of it. Now don't get me wrong, I am not trying to badmouth my city. I love Baltimore. I am just portraying My Baltimore how its portrayed by it's inhabitants in the cardinal directions outside of downtown Baltimore. Wherever I go from Chicago to The Carolinas to NY, I am proud to say I am from Baltimore. One of the first things I do when I move away from here will be to get Baltimore tattooed on myself. My Baltimore has always been and will always be apart of what shaped me as a man. The last few days I have been really thinking about my time in Baltimore. In the past I have commented about how I feel my time here and how I feel my time here is over. The older and older I get the more it feels that it holds true. As a Son of Baltimore and a proud Baltimorean, I just feel this chapter of my life has begun it's descent. Time to move on to bigger and better things. People tell me that when I leave that I am going to want to come back. I have also had friends tell me that I don't really want to leave. As a self-professed lone wolf I have always felt that I was always the friend...the brother...the son who left. My heart is in Baltimore but my mind has always dreamed of worlds outside of the great "state of Baltimore."
Sorry for the long and drawn out ramble but once I started typing more thoughts kept popping into my head. I trust that my post this week is not too incoherent and that you guys enjoyed my musings. Until next week.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Rapture, what Rapture and other grumblings...
I am still playing around with Sketchbook Pro and I plan on showing you guys some more of my sketches using the program soon. I still need to get back to my last painting I posted for you guys a ways back. It just seems like after work and all, that there is not enough time in my day. My girl said I should probably just set aside a day and keep that as my scheduled art day. I think I will def do that this week and see if I stick with it. I mean I am going to still be creating when I get the urge (I'm a starving artist!) but now I am going to do it like I do this blog. In an event, I will keep you guys informed.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011
Boy oh BOY...
I have an app called Sketchbook Pro that I have begun to use that is great for digital art (the enclosed image is one of the first things I did with it) I have a pogo stylus that I just got that I have been practicing with a lot. I am really to get the nuisances down of using a touchscreen and stylus as I would a paintbrush or a pencil. It's a great new medium to work in. I have seen the work of some artist who have been using the iPad for a minute who really have a handle on it. In school I sometimes messed around with computer manipulation of images and have always been fascinated by it enough that on occasion I will create profile pics using some sort of digital software. I am pretty "geeked" about this little gadget. If you are ready have a computer or think that a computer is too complex for your blood I highly recommend a iPad or an Android tablet. I love IOS but I am still an Android fanboy. (As a side note my phone is a rooted Samsung Vibrant phone running 2.2 or 2.3.3 Android OS depending on my mood and week; Geeks Unite!!!!!!)
P.S. I have also found the iPad a pleasure to blog from;)

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Saturday, May 7, 2011
A new blog coming...maybe?
So I am trying to debate on whether or not I want to start another blog. I have a lot of friends and people who come to me for advice on their gadgets, electronics, computers and whatnot. I feel that by having a blog I could now and then post little tips and tricks I know about certain things would be quite informative for them. I can also post some reviews of applications and software that I have used or currently use.
This blog would work two-fold. I could share my knowledge base with the outside world and for the people I help I can refer them to certain posts on my blog if I have blogged about their problem. That way instead of trying to remember what I told them or showed them, they can come to my blog and find their answers for themselves on occasion.
The only problem I am having is whether or not I won't to or should I say if I have the time to devote to another blog. I mean there is nothing that says I have to constantly update the blog but sometimes when I start something I just have to attend to it. I end up treating it like a new toy for a while and then I eventually put it down. I will come back to it but it's usually months later, LOL. I don't want to do that with this new blog though. I want it to be something that I can truly share. Something that people can use a reference. Hopefully in the coming weeks I will decide what I plan on doing. In any case you guys will be among the first to know.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Vegetarian Jerk Cheese steak
Yesterday I made chicken strips out of it and today I made vegetarian jerk cheese steak. (I really wanted to make the vegetarian cheese steak mine own, so I added the jerk seasoning.) The texture of the meat was very much like that of rib-eye steak or flank steak. I am really looking forward to other dishes I can use and create with homemade seitan and because you start off with a dry mix you have almost total control of the taste of the "meat." I am including some pics for you guys to see what the finished seitan looks like and the other pics are pics of my cheese steak filling. Enjoy. I know I did...
PS...blogger twisted up my image order and I was too lazy to switch it back, so don't judge me LOL!!! You get the gist of whats going on.

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I know you can hardly contain yourself. Its OK. I was pretty excited myself when I finished it. Its the piece I was working on for the 6X6X2011 @ Rochester Contemporary Art Center I call it "The Rhinacorn" Until next week.

Saturday, April 9, 2011
The Week that was...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hey I just thought I would show you guys an image of what I am working on for the
6X6X2011 @ Rochester Contemporary Art Center in a couple of months. There will be more images forth coming as I work on it more. I totally spaced on the MAP Auction event. It was yesterday and the day that I had to have my work hung was last tuesday. I hadnt even started on anything for it;) I don't know why I thought I had more time. I thought it was later this month. Oh well there is always next year :D
Saturday, March 26, 2011
So its about that time of year when I start working on pieces for different shows. One at Maryland Art Place and another at Rochester Contemporary Art Center in NY. I already have my surface for the show in Rochester picked out. Of course as always I will share with guys as I progress and work on these projects.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
For whom the bleh...
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Saturday, March 12, 2011
In a word, SEXY...
So back to using words just because. The nerdy side of me love certain words. To me certain words are sexy. I think "resonate" is a sexy word. And "inherent." And "referential." And "autonomy." And especially "belligerent." what about "malevolence?" Such a beautiful word. Apart of me secretly looks for ways to include these words in everyday convo; again "just because.". Now don't get me wrong I just don't try to force the words out but I try to make the words come out by "happenstance." like I just did;) See how that worked. I slipped a sexy word in. How ironic! Or was it? Lol.
Well I hope you guys enjoyed this little "discourse." I know I enjoyed bringing it to you guys. As always...
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Saturday, March 5, 2011
If I must...I must...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The week that was or the middle of Februrary...
So yesterday I started a new painting where I love all elements of the painting the way it is now. I am trying to channel my inner zen approach to painting. While I love what's going on in the painting I know in my heart of hearts that one way or another I am going to destroy part of this painting. My process is all about building up and then tearing down. Every once and awhile I do something where I am so amazed by what happen by accident or by failure of application of process that I become hesitant about destroying it. I know I must bit it just sometimes get to a point where eventhough it's not finished, I am quite satisfied with what I have. I will post some pics for you guys next week of where I am at with it. I can see that it's going to be a lengthy work in progress.
That's all I have for guys this week.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
'Ello Mates
I want to apply for this artist residency in Charlotte for next fall. The deadline is in May so I am going to start working some new stuff for that. I really need to gain some focus right now. I have been trying to do things here and there where I emptied my mind of all thoughts. A sort of Zen approach to creating art. I think all too often recently, I have tried to hard while trying to create. I started to over-think and rethink most of the things I was doing. I think I started losing faith in what I was doing as an artist. I love that I am able now to just "CREATE." I look forward to show you guys more of my work coming up soon.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
So faithful few, I am blogging you from the convience of my cell phone running Android OS. The significance of this is that there had been all types of apps that will allow you to post blogs or to be exact post to blogspot. But there has never been a native blogger app. I mean sure there is blogger droid but that's not operated by google. This my friend is the original ported FINALLY to the android platform. IOS has had a native blogger app for quite some time. I wonder why the delay to android. The irony is google brought us the first android phone. So why drag their feet on blogger? I mean they incorporated just about every property they owned into android from gmail to picasa to google voice to youtube and so on. So why the delay? Hmmm...I.mean its not that big a deal but for an androidhead such as myself I just wonder why. Don't get me wrong, the iphone is a great phone. I have an iphone 3G myself( tech junkie, remember) and I love using it now and then. Matter of fact I use it for music/podcasts and gaming a lot. Its just something about Apple that sucks us in. I mean IOS is still going strong even after it falls behind Android OS and Blackberry OS. As for myself, I shall remain an AndroidHead for a long time. I love being able to go under the hood and change things with extreme ease. I can manipulate IOS as well but its not as customizable as Android OS. But that's just my 8 cents.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
...Easy like Sunday Morning
Back in the latter of '07 when I started this blog I never knew that I get to this point. I mean I wasn't doubting myself, its just I was trying to find a way to curb my procrastination. I felt if I dedicate myself to something that I would have to do every week then I would have that carry over to everything in my life if I was successful. Here we are in 2011 and I am still going strong.
I mean this hasn't just happened. Blogging is just a natural part of me now. Its second nature. I really like doing it. Its a different feel then tweeting or updating my Facebook status. Blogging allows me release in a way that's different then when I am updating social statuses. Those things a running record of daily highs and lows but my blogs are a way of giving you guys a peek into the complex psyche of the artist, the man. I give you a window seat view into my mind that you cant see in 140 characters or less. They lack of immediacy draws you back. It makes you my faithful few come back to see what I will say next or what will I show you next. It will also have the casual blog reader when they hit next blog and stumble on to my blog go "hmmmm, whats this dude talking about?"